Best Letter/Application/Editorial Letter Format for Govt. Job Preparation

Letter Format 
Letter to friend
14 January, 2023
Chawkbazar, Chattogram

Dear Rasel,
Hope you are well. I am also well...........
No more today. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to the youngers.

Yours ever
Md. Ibrahim Ali

Md. Ibrahim Ali


Letter to Editor
The Editor
The Daily Star
64-65 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue

Dear Sir,
It would be highly appreciate if you kindly publish the following feature in your renowned daily.

Sincerely yours
Md. Ibrahim Ali

Main Body

Md. Ibrahim Ali

Letter to Bank Manager
14 March, 2023

The Manager
Uttara Bank Ltd
Chawkbazar Branch

Subject: Application for Changing Signature

Dear Sir,
With due respect, I want to state that I am a regular client of your branch bearing the current account no 1537. 
So, I hope that you will be very helpful and sincere to take the necessary steps to change my signature

Your's faithfully
Md. Ibrahim Ali

Application format
Application to the Principal of College
13 March, 2023
The Principal
Rajshahi Govt. Degree College
Subject: Prayer for holding cultural programs and sports regularly in our college

Dear Sir,
I, on behalf of the students of our college, beg most respectfully to state that........
May, I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to takes necessary steps to hold cultural programs and sports as many as possible and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently
Md Ibrahim
On behalf of the students of the college

Application to the District Education Officer
13 March, 2023
The District Education Officer
Sub: Prayer for arranging fund to set up a computer lab.

Dear Sir,
I, on behalf of the students of Rajshahi Govt. High School, beg most respectfully to state that...
May, I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enoughto take necessary steps to arrange fund to set up a computer lab in our high school and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently
Md. Ibrahim Ali
On behalf of the students of Rajshahi Govt. College

Application to the Mayor
13 March, 2023
The Mayor
Rajshahi City Corporation, Rajshahi
Subject: Prayer for taking necessary steps to remove water logging in the roads

Dear sir,
I, on behalf of the people of Rajshahi City Corporation, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that....

I, therefore, pray and hope that you will look into the matter and expedite the corrective and preventive measures for removing water logging in the roads.

Yours Truly
Md. Ibrahim Ali
On behalf of the people of RCC
