বিভিন্ন সংক্ষিপ্ত নামের পূর্ণরূপ (বাংলাদেশ বিষয়াবলি)
বিভিন্ন সংক্ষিপ্ত নামের পূর্ণরূপ
কৃষি মন্ত্রণালয়
* BRRI ⇨ Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
* BINA ⇨ Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture
* DAE ⇨ Department of Agricultural Extension
* BADC ⇨ Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation
* BARC ⇨ Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council
* BARI ⇨ Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
* BJRI ⇨ Bangladesh Jute Research Institute
* BSRI ⇨ Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute
* AIS ⇨ Agticulture Information Service
* SCA ⇨ Seed Certification Agency
* SRDI ⇨ Soil Research Development Institute
বস্ত্র ও পাট মন্ত্রণালয়
* BTMC ⇨ Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation
* BJMC ⇨ Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation
* BSRI ⇨ Bangladesh Sericulture Research and Training Institute
* BSDB ⇨ Bangladesh Sericulture Development Board
* BHB ⇨ Bangladesh Handloom Board
মৎস্য ও প্রাণিসম্পদ
* FTI ⇨ Fisheries Training Institute
* BFRI ⇨ Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute
* BFDC ⇨ Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation
* BLRI ⇨ Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute
খনিজ সম্পদ
* PSC ⇨ Production Sharing Contract
* BAPEX ⇨ Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production Company Limited
শক্তি সম্পদ
* বিউবো ⇨ বাংলাদেশ বিদ্যুৎ উন্নয়ন বোর্ড
* BREB ⇨ Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board
* DESCO ⇨ Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited
* NESCO ⇨ Northern Electric Supply Company Limited
শিল্প সম্পদ
* BCIC ⇨ Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation
* BSFIC ⇨ Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation
* BSEC ⇨ Bangladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation
* BSCIC ⇨ Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation
* BSTI ⇨ Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution
* BIM ⇨ Bangladesh Institute of Management
* BITAC ⇨ Bangladesh Industrial and Technical Assistance Center
* NPO ⇨ National Productivity and Organization
* MFA ⇨ The Multi Fibre Arrangement
* GSP ⇨ Generalized System of Preferences
পরিবেশ, বন ও জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন মন্ত্রণালয়
* BFRI ⇨ Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
* BFIDC ⇨ Bangladesh Forest Industries Development Corporation
* BAPA ⇨ Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon
* POBA ⇨ Poribesh Bachao Andolon
* BEMF ⇨ Bangladesh Environmental Management Force
* BELA ⇨ Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association
বন্যা নিয়ন্ত্রণ, নিষ্কাশন ও সেচ প্রকল্প
* FCD ⇨ Flood Control and Drainage
* FCDI ⇨ Flood Control, Drainage and Irrigation
* WAPDA ⇨ Water and Power Development Authority
* EPWAPDA ⇨ East Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority
* DND ⇨ Dhaka-Narayangong-Demra
বেসরকারি সাংস্কৃতিক প্রতিষ্ঠান
* BAFA ⇨ Bulbul Academy of Fine Arts
তথ্য মন্ত্রণালয়
* PIB ⇨ Press Institute of Bangladesh
* BSS ⇨ Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha
* PID ⇨ Press Information Department
* ENA ⇨ Eastern News Agency
* UNB ⇨ United News of Bangladesh
* BFDC ⇨ Bangladesh Film Development Corporation
* BFCB ⇨ Bangladedh Film Censor Board
* BNS ⇨ Bangladesh News Service
* BNA ⇨ Bangladesh News Agency
* NIMC ⇨ National Institute of Mass Communication
* BFTI ⇨ Bangladesh Film and Television Institute