Idiom-Phrases with Sentence Making

* Abc ⇨ প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান

* Ab initio⇨ শুরু থেকে
⇨ He was instructing ab initio pilots.

* Ab intra ⇨ ভেতর থেকে
⇨ But it is impossible to pass by the objection to theology which comes as it were ab intra from the side of religion.

* Ab invito ⇨অনিচ্ছাকৃতভাবে

* A bit ⇨ Short time

* Ab origine ⇨ উৎপত্তি হইতে

* A bolt from the blue ⇨ বিনা মেঘে বজ্রপাত

* Above all ⇨ সর্বোপরি
⇨ Anwar was concerned above all to speak the truth.

* Above board ⇨ ন্যায় ও বৈধ

* Above one's station ⇨ পদমর্যাদার বাইরে

* Achilles heel ⇨  দুর্বল জায়গা/ Weak point

* A close fisted man ⇨ কৃপণ
⇨ Mr. Alam is a close fisted man.

* Ad hoc ⇨ এই উদ্দেশ্যে
⇨ The discussions were on ad hoc basis.

* Advanced in life ⇨ বৃদ্ধ

* Ad volarem ⇨ মূল্য অনুসারে
⇨ the subsidy may be calculated ad valorem as a specified percentage of the price per unit

* A far cry ⇨ অনেক দূরের পথ
⇨ The hotel is a far cry from the rail station.

* A fish out of water ⇨ অস্বস্তিকর অবস্থা
⇨ senior bankers are fish out of water when it comes to international lending
⇨  When he came to the village, he felt like a fish out of water.

* A fools paradise ⇨ বোকার স্বর্গ
⇨ He seems to be living in a fool's paradise.
⇨ If you expect any help from him, you are living in a fool's paradise.

* Acid test ⇨ Real test

* After all ⇨ সব কিছু সত্ত্বেও

*  Against the grain ⇨ অনিচ্ছায়

* A la mode ⇨ চলতি ফ্যাশন অনুযায়ী
⇨ Corduroy is extremely à la mode this season

* A piece of cake ‌⇨ খুব সহজ কাজ

* All and Sundry ⇨ সবাই/সকলে

* All at once⇨ হঠাৎ
⇨ All at once he entered my room.

* All but ⇨ প্রায়
⇨ Because of his spending money lavishly, now he is all but ruined.

* All in ⇨ অত্যন্ত ক্লান্ত

* All in all⇨ সর্বেসর্বা
⇨ He is all in all in the family.
⇨ Now -a-days, no one is all in all.

* All in a row ⇨ একটানা

* All of a sudden ⇨ হঠাৎ

* All on a sudden ⇨ হঠাৎ

* All over with ⇨ সর্বস্বান্ত

* Alter ago ⇨ প্রাণের বন্ধু
⇨ He became my alter ago, my verbal shadow.

* Amicus curie ⇨ আদালতের বন্ধু
⇨ The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) participated as amicus curiae supporting the plaintiff-appellant.

* Apple of discord ⇨ বিবাদের বিষয়
⇨ This pen is an apple of discord between two brothers.
⇨ This land is an apple of discord between two brothers.

* Apple of one's eye ⇨ অতিপ্রিয় ব্যক্তি বা বস্তু
⇨ His daughter is the apple of his eye.

* A red latter day ⇨ স্মরণীয় দিন
⇨ The day I first set foot in Dhaka was a red letter day for me.

* As a rule⇨ নিয়মমাফিক
⇨ As a rule of the game,  he was given punishment.

* As if ⇨ যেন

*As it where ⇨ যেন

* As like as two pears in a pod ⇨ এক বৃন্তে দু 'টি ফুল/Exactly alike

* As long as ⇨ যতক্ষণ-ততক্ষণ পর্যন্ত
⇨ I will help you as long as you are honest.

* As soon as ⇨ যথা শীঘ্র, যখনই
⇨ I went out of my house as soon as I heard the news.

* As the crow flies ⇨ সোজাসুজি

* As though  ⇨ যেন
⇨ He behaves as though he were he owner of the house.

* As usual ⇨যথারীতি

* Ask for ⇨ চাওয়া
⇨ He asked for a loan of one thousand taka.

* At a loss ⇨ হতবুদ্ধি, কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়
⇨ He was at a loss and did not know what to do.

* At a low ebb ⇨ To a poor state (খারাপ অবস্থায়)/ নিম্নমুখী/ হ্রাসমান
⇨ The country was at a low ebb due to the recent war

* At a pinch  ⇨ জরুরী অবস্থায়

* At a round rate  ⇨ নির্ধারিত মূল্যে

* At a standstill  ⇨ নিশ্চল, অচলাবস্থায়

* At a stone's throw  ⇨খুব সন্নিকটে
⇨ He tried his best but at a stonebs throw failed once again.

* At a stretch  ⇨ বিরতিহীনভাবে, একটানা

* At all  ⇨ আদৌ/ মোটেই
⇨ I don't like her at all.
⇨ He does not know French at all.
⇨ He is not at all a good man.

* At all events  ⇨ সর্বাবস্থায়

* At all hazards  ⇨ শত বাধাবিপত্তি সত্ত্বেও

* At any cost  ⇨ যেকোন মূল্যে
⇨ I will go abroad for higher study at any cost.

* At any rate  ⇨ যেকোনো উপায়ে

* At arm's length  ⇨ অতি নিকটে

* At bottom ⇨ প্রকৃতপক্ষে

* At cross purposes ⇨ Misunderstanding each other and talking different subjects.

* At bay ⇨ কোণঠাসা, প্রাণ আাঁচানোর জন্য সংগ্রামরত

* At daggars dawn ⇨ চরম শত্রুতাপূর্ণ অবস্থা/ ঘোর বিবাদমান
⇨ She and her mother were at daggers dawn.
⇨ The two brothers are now at daggers drawn.

* At dead of night ⇨ গভীর রাতে

* At fault ⇨ হতবুদ্ধি

* At home ⇨ দক্ষ, আরামদায়ক

* At home with ⇨ স্বচ্ছন্দে

* At large ⇨ মুক্ত, অবাধ, স্বাধীন/ সর্বোপরি, মোটকথা

* At last ⇨ অবশেষে

* At least ⇨ অন্তত

* At length ⇨ অবশেষে

* At long last ⇨ অবশেষে

* At most ⇨ প্রায়
⇨ The man will be out for four weeks at most.
⇨ The man have been hiding for four weeks at most.

*  At one go ⇨ একবারে প্রচেষ্টায়

* At one's back and call ⇨ আজ্ঞাবহ, অন্যের আদেশ পালনে প্রস্তুত

* At one's discretion ⇨ কারো ইচ্ছামাফিক, কারো সিদ্ধান্তমাফিক

* At one's elbow ⇨ পাশে, নিকটে

* At one's finger ends ⇨ নখদর্পণে

* At one's finger tips ⇨ নখদর্পণে

* At one's heel ⇨ পায়ে পায়ে

* At one's own sweet will ⇨ খুশি মতো

* At one's wit's end  ⇨ হতবুদ্ধি
⇨ I'm at my wits' end. I don't know how to help him.

* At random  ⇨ এলোমেলোভাবে

* At sea  ⇨ বিভ্রান্ত, হতবুদ্ধি

* At sixes and sevens  ⇨ বিশৃঙ্খল অবস্থায়

* At stake  ⇨ ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ
⇨ People's lives are at stake now.
⇨ His life is at stake now.

* At stone's throw ⇨ খুবই নিকটে

* At the bottom of ⇨  শীর্ষে

* At the core ⇨ ভেতরে ভেতরে

* At the eleventh hour ⇨ একদম শেষ মুহুর্তে

* At the outset ⇨ শুরুতেই

* At times ⇨ মাঝে-মধ্যে

* Authenticity⇨ সত্যতা/যথার্থতা
⇨ There is no doubt about the authenticity of the text.

* Average person ⇨   জনসাধারণ

* Aware of contrary things ⇨ Ambivalent (having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.)

* Back and forth  ⇨ সামনে পেছনে দোলা
⇨ The pendulum in the grandfather clock swung back and forth.
⇨ She swayed gently back and forth to the music.

* Bad blood ⇨ খারাপ সম্পর্ক, মনোমালিন্য

* Baker's dozen ⇨ Long dozen/ 13

* Be taken aback ⇨  আশ্চর্যানিত হওয়া (be surprised by someone)
⇨  She was completely taken aback by his anger.

* Bear in mind⇨ মনে রাখা
⇨ You should bear in mind that nothing is impossible.

* Beauty sleep⇨ পর্যাপ্ত ঘুম
⇨ Take a few nights off and catch up on that beauty sleep.

* Beggars description⇨ অবর্ণনীয়/ চরম শত্রুতাপূর্ণ অবস্থা
⇨ The suffering of the poor beggars description.

* Behind the scene (লোকচক্ষুর আড়ালে)
⇨ The people who worked behind the scenes are the real heroes of this project. 
⇨ I worked behind the scenes in the play. 
⇨ We should thank the people who are behind the scenes of our success.

* Beyond doubt ⇨ সন্দেহাতীত (Allowing no doubt)
⇨ You've proved it beyond doubt.

* Bid adieu⇨ বিদায় জানানো
⇨ It was hard bidding college adieu, but I knew deep down that it was time to move on.

* Big guns ⇨ নেতৃস্থানীয় ব্যক্তি
⇨ There are many big guns in our country.
⇨ He is a big gun of our locality.

* Black Sheep⇨ কুলাঙ্গার
⇨ He is the only black sheep in the entire family.
⇨ Monir is the black sheep of the family.

* Blood-bath⇨ নৃশংস হত্যাকান্ড
⇨ Thousands of people were murdered in the bloodbath.

* Blow away ⇨ উড়িয়ে নিয়ে যাওয়া
⇨ Many houses were blown away by the storm.

* Blow off ⇨ নির্গত করা
⇨ The engine blows off carbon dioxide.

 * Blow over ⇨ থেমে যাওয়া
⇨ The storm will soon blow over.

* Blow out ⇨ নিভানো
⇨ The child blew out the candle.

* Blow up ⇨ বিস্ফোরণ দ্বারা উড়িয়ে দেওয়া
⇨ The soldier blew up the bridge.

* Blue blood ⇨ অভিজাত্য
⇨ Man should not boast of his blue blood.
⇨ He has blue blood in his attitude.
⇨ Mrs. Sharmin is proud of his blue blood.

* Bolt from the blue ⇨ অপ্রত্যাশিত
⇨ The ill news came to me as a bolt from the blue.

* Bon voyage⇨ যাত্রা শুভ হোক
⇨ Good luck and bon voyage!

* Break the ice ⇨ নিরবতা ভঙ্গ করা
⇨ The old man told a few jokes to break the ice.

* Break the line ⇨ 

* Bring about ⇨ ঘটানো
⇨ He tried to bring about a quarrel between us.

* Bring forth ⇨ উৎপাদন করা
⇨ The timely rain brings forth good rice.

* Bring out ⇨ ছেপে প্রকাশ করা
⇨ The publisher has brought out a new novel.

* Bring up ⇨ লালন-পালন করা
⇨ The boy was brought up by his uncle.

* Burning question ⇨ তীব্র বিতর্কের বিষয়
⇨ The problem of the dowry system is the burning question of the day.

* Burst into ⇨ ফেটে 
⇨ The aircraft crashed and burst into flames.

* But for ⇨ সত্ত্বেও/ ছাড়া/ব্যতীত
⇨ The work is complete, but for a final coat of paint.

* By accident ⇨ ভুলক্রমে/ দৈবক্রমে
⇨ I found her letter by accident as I was looking through my files.

* By chance ⇨ ভাগ্যক্রমে
⇨ Yamin met his sister by chance.

* By far ⇨ সর্বাংশে
⇨ He is, by far, the best student in the class.

* By fits and starts ⇨  Irregularly

* By means of ⇨ উপায়ে
⇨ He became successful in life by means of hard labour.

* By no means ⇨ মোটেই না/ কোনোভাবেই না
⇨ I shall by no means call on him.


* Call names ⇨ গালি দেওয়া
⇨ The officer called names the worker.

* Call on ⇨ কারো সাথে দেখা করা
⇨  Hanjala called on me at my office.

* Carry forward ⇨ জের টানা
⇨ The balance is carried forward from the previous page.

* Carry the day ⇨ জয়লাভ করা
⇨ At last the opposition party carried the day.

* Cast down ⇨ হতাশাগ্রস্ত হওয়া
⇨ She was greatly cast down by abusive criticism of her novel.

* Catch sight of ⇨ নজরে পড়া
⇨ I caught sight of the plane just before it flew out of sight.

* Cats and dogs ⇨ মুষলধারে
⇨ It has bern raining cats and dogs since morning.

* Come across ⇨ হঠাৎ সাক্ষাৎ হওয়া

* Come into force ⇨ কার্যকারিতা হয়ে ওঠা
⇨ When do the new regulations come into force?

* Come round ⇨ আরোগ্য লাভ করা
⇨ I hope you will come round soon.

* Come to light ⇨ প্রকাশিত হওয়া /To get published

* Contingent ⇨ অনিশ্চিত
⇨ My job is contingent in this office now.

* Cool as a cucumber ⇨ খুবই শান্ত ও বাধ্য

* Cover up ⇨ গোপন করা/ ঢেকে ফেলা
⇨ Cover up the body with a sheet.

* Crying need ⇨ অত্যাবশ্যকীয় প্রয়োজন
⇨ Female education is a crying need for our country.

* Cry down ⇨ নিন্দা করা
⇨ Do not cry down anything without considering the pros and cons of it.

* Cut off ⇨ মারা যাওয়া

* Cut to the quick ⇨ মর্মাহত হওয়া
⇨ I was cut to the quick by his words.


* Dark horse ⇨ অপরিচিত ব্যক্তি
⇨ He was a dark horse and I don't have any idea about his power.

* Dead against ⇨ অনঢ় থাকা
⇨ The boy was dead against his father's decision.

* Dead letter ⇨ অপ্রচলিত আইন/ যে আইন আর চালু নেই
⇨ The law is a dead letter now.

* Debut ⇨ অভিষেক

* De facto ⇨ বাস্তবিক/কার্যত/প্রকৃতপক্ষে

* De jure ⇨ আইনগত অধিকার বলে
⇨ Rahim become owner of the land by de jure.

* Do's and don'ts ⇨ নিয়মকানুন, রীতিনীতি, নির্দেশনা


* Eat humble pie ⇨ ভুল স্বীকার করে ক্ষমা চাওয়া
⇨ He had to eat humble pie for his rudeness.

* Eat one's word ⇨ কথা ফিরিয়ে নেওয়া
⇨ I cannot eat my word for the fear of somebody.

* Elbow-room ⇨ কাজের পর্যাপ্ত জায়গা
⇨ The factory is too small to provide elbow-room for its workers.

* End in smoke ⇨ ব্যর্থতায় পর্যবসিত হওয়া
⇨ All his efforts to be successful ended in smoke.

* En masse ⇨ সার্বজনীনভাবে/ দলবেধে/In a body/in a mass

* En passant ⇨ প্রসঙ্গক্রমে
I was going to deal with the matter only en passant.

* En rapport ⇨ সম্মতি
We need, as it where, to place ourselves en rapport with the mind alikeof the conquered and the conquerors.

* En route ⇨ পথিমধ্যে/ On the way

* En verite ⇨ প্রকৃতপক্ষে

* Ergo ⇨ অতএব/সুতরাং

* Error of Judgement ⇨ ভুল সিদ্ধান্ত
I⇨ t was an error of judgement.

* Et alia ⇨ And others

Eulogistic ⇨ প্রশংসামূলক

* Ever and anon ⇨ মাঝে-মধ্যে

* Every now and again ⇨ মাঝে-মধ্যে

* Every Now and then ⇨ মাঝে-মধ্যে

* Every so often ⇨ মাঝে-মধ্যে

* Ex-officio ⇨ পদাধিকারবলে
⇨ All former presidents remain ex officio members of the committee

* Ex-parte ⇨ একপাক্ষিক/Monopoly decision/ one sided/ on hearing from one part only

* Exempli ⇨ উদাহরণস্বরূপ

* Exordium ⇨ প্রস্তাবনামূলক অংশ


* Face the music ⇨ সংকটের সম্মুখীন হওয়া
⇨ If we do nothing curb this pollution, I guarantee we will face the music in the future.

* Face to face ⇨ মুখোমুখি
⇨ I prefer to talk to people face to face rather than talk on the phone.

* Face value ⇨  বাহ্যিকতা
⇨ Do not accept it on its face value

* Far and near ⇨ সর্বত্র
⇨ His fame as ascholar spread far and near.

* Far cry ⇨  অনেক দূরের পথ
⇨ From munseiff to high court judge is far cry.

* Far and away ⇨ অতুলনীয়
⇨ He is far and away the best boy in here.

* Fair play ⇨ প্রতারণাবিহীন নীতি
⇨ I believe in the practice of fair play in my business.

* Fair field and no favour ⇨ নিরপেক্ষ বিচার
⇨ I want only fair field and no favour.

* Fare and square ⇨ সৎ ও সরল
⇨ He is fare and square in his dealings.

* Fare and fury ⇨ উত্তেজনা
⇨ When hattention/ Notabke/Mark wellwith the rebellious workers, he void d fare and fury in his speech.

* Faux pas ⇨ ভুল পদক্ষেপ

* Faw and wide ⇨ সর্বত্র
⇨ His fame as a scholar spread far and wide.

* Feeling under the weather ⇨ অসুস্থতা বোধ করা/ Feeling slightly ill)

* Feet of clay ⇨ মূলত ভীতু
⇨ He appeared to be a strong and forceful man but later proved to a feet of clay.

* Felo de se ⇨ আত্মহত্যাকারী/ A self-murderer

* Fight shy of ⇨ এড়িয়ে চলা
⇨ Why do you fight shy of me?

* Fish out of water ⇨ অসস্থিকর অবস্থায়
⇨ When he came to the village, he felt like a fish out of water.

* Fish in a troubled water ⇨ বিশৃঙ্খল অবস্থার  সুযোগ নেওয়া
⇨ He wanted to fish in the troubled water.

* Fit as a fiddle ⇨ ভালো অবস্থায়
⇨ Though he has a grown old, he is fit as a fiddle.

* Flesh and Blood ⇨ রক্তমাংসের শরীর
⇨ A flesh and blood can never tolerate such an insult.
⇨ She wasn'st a gost. She was flesh and vlood.

* Fly in the ointment ⇨ ক্ষুদ্র বস্তু যা সবকিছুকে নষ্ট করে
⇨ The party was well attended but his absence was a fly in the ointment.

* Flying visit ⇨  খুব অল্প সময়ের ভ্রমণ
⇨ He paid a flying visit to us last month.

* Fly in the face ⇨ প্রকাশ্যে বিরোধিতা করে বিপদ বরণ করে নেওয়া
⇨ Why do you fly in the face of the Principal order?

* Fool's paradise ⇨ বোকার স্বর্গ
⇨ If you expect any help from him, you are living in a fool's paradise.

* Foot loose and fancy-free ⇨ স্বাধীনভাবে নিজের জীবন উপভোগ করা
⇨ The foot loose and fancy-free generatio has strong discretionary spending power,  a target for consumer goods company.

* Foot the bill ⇨ বিল পরিশোধ করা
⇨ He asked me to dine with him, but I had to foot the bill.

* For good ⇨ চিরতরে
⇨ He left the village for good.

* Forgone conclusion ⇨ পূর্ব হতে অনুমিত
⇨ Achilles's success in the battle was forgone conclusion
⇨ It was a foregone conclusion that he would win the race.

* For the sake of ⇨ নিমিত্তে/কারণে
⇨ The couple moved to the coast for the sake of her health.
⇨ I could not attend there for the sake of illness.

* Foul play ⇨ অসদাচরণ
⇨ Be honest, do not indulge in foul play..

* French leave (Sudden departure) ⇨ বিনা অনুমতিতে কর্তব্যে অনুপস্থিত
⇨ You should not enjoy french leave from your office.
⇨ The boy was punished for taking French leave from his class.

* Free and easy ⇨ খোলাখুলি
⇨ He talked in free and easy manner.

* Fresh blood ⇨ নতুন উৎসাহী লোক
⇨ I want fresh blood in the office.

* From A to Z ⇨ প্রথম থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত
⇨ The statement is true from A to Z

* From time to time ⇨ মাঝে-মধ্যে


* Gala day ⇨ উৎসবের দিন
⇨ The Eid day is a gala day for us.

* Get by heart ⇨ মুখস্ত করা
⇨ Get this Surah by your heart.
⇨ Get this poem by your heart.

* Get rid of ⇨ মুক্তি পাওয়া
⇨ Try to get rid of the danger.( বিপদ থেকে মুক্তি পাওয়ার চেষ্টা করুন)

* Get up ⇨ জেগে ওঠা
⇨ He usually gets up early in the morning.

* Gift of the gap ⇨ Ability to speak easily
⇨ If someone has the gift of the gab, they are able to speak confidently, clearly, and in a persuasive way

* Give up ⇨ পরিত্যাগ করা
⇨ We should give up our bad habits.

* Give vent to ⇨ প্রকাশ করা
⇨ He gave vent to his annoyance.

* Giving someone the cold shoulder ⇨ উপেক্ষা করা/ অগ্রাহ্য করা/ To ignore somebody

* Green eye ⇨ ঈর্ষান্বিত
⇨ Don't be green eye with anyone.

* Hard and fast ⇨ ধরাবাঁধা
⇨ Always abide by these hard and fast rules.

* Hard of hearing ⇨ কানে খাটো/ কানে কম শোনা

* Hard times ⇨ দুঃসময়
⇨ I am passing through a hard times.

* Habeas Corpus ⇨ বন্দী প্রদর্শন

* Heart and Soul ⇨ প্রাণপণে
⇨ Try heart and soul and you will success.

* Hue and Cry ⇨ শোরগোল
 ⇨ All on a sudden, Yamin heard a hue and cry.

* Hush money ⇨ Money given as a bribe

* i.e/id est ⇨ অর্থাৎ

* Ifs and buts ⇨ কিন্তু কিন্তু ভাব
⇨ I do not like ifs and buts: give me a straight answer.

* Ill at ease ⇨ অস্বস্তিতে
⇨ He is ill at ease in his new position.

* Impasse ⇨ অচলাবস্থা/ চরম সংকট/ একমুখো রাস্তা/কানাগলি

* In a body ⇨ সশরীরে
⇨ The students went to the headmaster in a body.

* In a fix ⇨ মুশকিলে পতিত
⇨ He is in a fix and does not know what to do.

* In a hurry ⇨ খুব ব্যস্ততার মধ্যে
⇨ Don't do the work in a hurry.

* In a mess ⇨ বিশৃঙ্খল অবস্থায়
 ⇨ The affairs in a mess here.

* In a nutshell ⇨ সংক্ষেপে
⇨ Tell the story in a nutshell.

* In a word ⇨ সংক্ষেপে
⇨ Tell me in a word what you want

* In black and white ⇨ লিখিতভাবে
⇨ I must write this statement in black and white.

* In camera ⇨ গোপনে
⇨ The trial was held in camera.

* In cold blood ⇨ ঠাণ্ডা মাথায়
⇨ He killed the man in cold blood.

* In connection with ⇨ কোন ব্যক্তির সাথে বা কোনো কিছুতে জড়িত থাকার কারণে
⇨ The man was arrested in connection with the murder of this friend.

* In fact ⇨ প্রকৃতপক্ষে
⇨ In fact, he is an honest man.

* In full swing ⇨ পুরোদমে
⇨ The construction work is going on in full swing.

* In line with ⇨ হাত মিলিয়ে/ তাল মিলিয়ে/ সঙ্গতিপূর্ণ
⇨ We are seeing a pay that's in line with inflation.

* In re ⇨  In the matter of (বিষয়ে)

* Instead of ⇨ পরিবর্তে
⇨ Let's play football instead of going to cinema.

* In the event of ⇨  ঠিক মুহূর্তে/ সঠিক সময়ে/If happens
⇨ In the event of an actual emergency, we will be told what to do.
⇨ This will reduce the chance of serious injury in the event of an accident

* In the eyes of ⇨ চোখে
⇨ In the eye of his fans Elvis could do no wrong. (তার ভক্তদের চোখে এলভিস কোনো অন্যায় করেনি)

* In the guise of ⇨ ছদ্মবেশে
⇨ He came to me in the guise of poor traveller.

* In the least ⇨ আদৌ

* In no time ⇨ যথাশীঘ্রই
⇨ Our captain will come here in no time.

* In other word ⇨ অন্য কথায়

* In person ⇨ ব্যক্তিগতভাবে/ উপস্থাপন করা
⇨ You must present yourself in person before the judge.

* In short ⇨ সংক্ষেপে
⇨ Tell the story in short.

* In sort ⇨  In a way (উপায়ে)
⇨ Please tell about your village in sort.

* Ins and outs ⇨ খুঁটিনাটি/  সুক্ষ্মভাবে
⇨ Please tell us the ins and outs of the fact.
I know the ins and outs of the matter.

* In the blues ⇨ বিষন্ন
⇨ You appear to be in the blues.

* In the guise of ⇨ ছদ্মবেশে
⇨ He came here in the guise of a beggar.

* In the dark ⇨  অজ্ঞ/অনবগত
⇨ I am in the dark about his purpose.

* In the long run ⇨ পরিশেষে
⇨ You will have to suffer in the long run.

* In the soup ⇨ মারাত্মক সমস্যায়
⇨ He made undue hasty and was in the soup.

* In two minds ⇨  দুমনা
⇨ I was in two minds about what I should do.

* In the seventh heaven ⇨ খুব খুশি
⇨ I was in the seventh heaven at the news of my son's success.

* In vain ⇨ ব্যর্থ
⇨ His efforts were in vains.

* In view of ⇨ বিবেচনা করা/  Because of
⇨ The poor condition of libraries is of concern in view of the increased emphasis on reference work

* In vogue ⇨ চালু
⇨ The custom is not in vogue now.

* Ipso facto ⇨ এই তথ্য বলে/  সংশ্লিষ্ট বিষয়ে/ঠিক ঐজন্যেই
⇨ The enemy of one's enemy may be ipso facto a friend

* Irony of fate ⇨  ভাগ্যের নির্মম পরিহাস
⇨ He could not succeed by irony of fate.

* Iron will ⇨ কঠোর সংকল্প
⇨ He embarked on the venture with an iron will.

* Inter alia ⇨ অন্যান্য কিছুর মধ্যে
⇨ The study includes, inter alia, computers, aircraft, and pharmacy

Itinerary ⇨  Plan to Journey

* Keep an eye on⇨ নজরে রাখা
⇨ Keep an eye on the baby, please!

* Keep on good terms with ⇨ কারো সাথে সুসম্পর্ক থাকা
⇨ You should keep on good terms with your blossom friend.

* Laissez faire⇨  হস্তক্ষেপ না করা (let alone)
⇨ If a government is laissez-faire, it does not have many laws and rules that control the buying and selling of goods and services.

* Last but not the least ⇨ ক্রমানুসারে শেষে কিন্তু তাৎপর্য কম নয়
⇨ Last but not least Grisman in midfield has been brilliant.

* Lingua Franca⇨ সর্বসাধারণের ব্যবহারের ভাষা/ মধ্যম ভাষা/Common lanuage


* Look after ⇨ দেখাশুনা করা
⇨ I look after my parents.

* Look down upon ⇨ ঘৃণা করা
⇨ You should not look down upon the poor.

* Look into ⇨ তদন্ত করা
⇨ The police will look into the matter.


* Machiavellian character ⇨ ফন্দিবাজ, ধান্দাবাজ লোক/ Scheming person

* Magnum opus ⇨ সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ সৃষ্টকর্ম
⇨ Monalisa creation was the magnum opus of Leonardo the Vinci.

* Maiden speech ⇨ প্রথম বক্তৃতা
⇨ His maiden speech charmed all of us.
⇨ The maiden speech delivered by the Omor Faruk astonished everyone.

* Make good ⇨ ক্ষতিপূরণ করা
⇨ I will make good for your loss.

* Mala fide ⇨ বিশ্বাসঘাতকভাবে/অসুদ্দেশে

* Make haste ⇨ জলদি করা
⇨ I make haste to seal this.

* Make out ⇨ বুঝতে পারা/ উপলব্ধি করা
⇨ I couldn't make out what he was saying.

* Make room ⇨ জায়গা করে দেওয়া
⇨ He made room for me to lie down.

* Make use of  ⇨ কাজে লাগানো
⇨ We will make use of her vast experience.

* Make up one's mind ⇨ মনস্থির করা
⇨ He made up his mind to go there.
⇨ We made up our mind to go Cox's Bazar.

* Man of straw ⇨  অপদার্থ
⇨ Such an important job can not be done by such a man of straw.

* Man of the world ⇨ বিচক্ষণ ব্যক্তি
⇨ He is an elegant, clever and tough man of the world.

* Man of word ⇨  এক কথার লোক
⇨ He is a man of word.

* Milk and Water ⇨ একঘেয়ে
⇨ They accused him of having only milk-and-water policies that wouldn't upset either party. 
⇨ The studio refused to let me make anything but a milk-and-water version of the documentary.

* Mens legis ⇨ Purpose of the law

* Mens rea ⇨  অপরাধী মন/Guilty mind

* Modus operandi ⇨ জীবনযাত্রাপ্রণালী


* Nota bene ⇨ বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য (Special attention

* Now and again ⇨ মাঝে মাঝে

* Now and then ⇨ মাঝে মাঝে
⇨ He comes here every now and then.

* Null and void ⇨ বাতিল
⇨ The rule is null and void now.

* Nuptial ⇨ বিবাহ সংক্রান্ত/ Related to Wedding


* Of no avail ⇨ ব্যর্থ
⇨ He tried to find the lost toy but it was of no avail.

* Off and on ⇨ মাঝে মাঝে/ Occasionally

* Olive Branch ⇨  শান্তির প্রতীক
⇨ His speech offered an olive branch to the city people.

* On behalf of ⇨ পক্ষে
⇨ I have come back on behalf of village people.

* On occasion ⇨ মাঝে মাঝে

* On the instant ⇨ তাৎক্ষণিক
⇨ Brimg insulted, he left the room on the instant.

* On the eve of ⇨ প্রাক্কালে
⇨ John decided to leave school on the eve of his graduation.

* On the lookout for ⇨ To watch or search for something/someone
⇨ We are always on the look out for new business opportunities.

* On the verge of ⇨ শেষ প্রান্তে উপনিত হওয়া/ সিদ্ধান্তের শেষ প্রান্তে উপনিত হওয়া
⇨ They are on the verge of signing a new contract.

 * Once for all ⇨ চিরতরে
⇨ She parted with her husband once for all.

* Open secret ⇨ গোপন বলে জানা হলেও আসলে তা সকলেরই জানা
⇨ It is an open secret that he is an honest man.

* Out and About ⇨ সক্রিয়

* Out and Out ⇨ পুরোপুরি/সম্পূর্ণ
⇨ The whole project was out and out disaster.

* Out of sorts ⇨ ইষৎ অসুস্থ
⇨ I feel out of sorts. 
⇨ Tomorrow, I felt out of sorts.

* Over and again ⇨ Once more/ দ্বিতীয়বার শুরু থেকে

* Over and over again ⇨ বারবার
⇨ I told him over and over again to be careful.

* Over head and ears ⇨ Deeply/ Completely
⇨ I know he is over head and ears in love with you.
⇨ He is over head and ears in debt.

* Paddle one's own canoe ⇨ অন্যের উপর নির্ভর না হয়ে নিজের বিষয় নিজে নিয়ন্ত্রণ  করা

* Pallindrome ⇨ A word, phrase or sequence that reads the same backward as forward
.eg. Madam, nurses run, level, racecar, Rise to vote sir.

* Part and parcel ⇨ অবিচ্ছিদ্য অংশ
⇨ Library is a part and parcel of a school.
Books are the part and parcel of my life.

* Pass the buck ⇨ কারো ঘাড়ে দায়িত্ব চাপানো
⇨ Please don't pass the buck to Hisbullah.

* Pass away ⇨ মারা যাওয়া
⇨ The sick person passed away in his sleep at age of eighty four.

* Patch something up ⇨ Stop arguing and be friends again

* Pay the debt of nature ⇨ মারা যাওয়া

* Pay through the nose ⇨ Pay a very high price

* Pin money ⇨ Sundry expenses

* Pivotal question ⇨ The most important question

* Plain sailing ⇨ easy/ Smooth progress

* Play hide and seek ⇨ লুকিচুরি করা
⇨ Do not play hide and seek with your parent's hard-earned money.

* Point blank ⇨ Directly/ Bluntly/ স্পষ্টভাবে

* Post mortem ⇨ ময়নাতদন্ত
⇨ The injuries were found to have been caused post mortem.

* Posthumous ⇨ মরণোত্তর
⇨ He was awarded a posthumous Military Cross.

* Prima facie ⇨ আপাতদৃষ্টিতে
⇨ The original lessee prima facie remains liable for the payment of the rent

* Pros and cons ⇨ কোনো বিষয়ের খুঁটিনাটি/ সুবিধা-অসুবিধা
⇨ I know the pros nd cons of the matter.
⇨ I know the pros and cons of the deal.

* Pull a long face ⇨ Become sad

* Pull one's leg ⇨ ঠাট্টাচ্ছলে জব্দ করার চেষ্টা করা
⇨ He was always pulling my legs.

* Push somebody to the wall ⇨ To defeat him

* Put an end to ⇨ Stop something happening or existing

* Put into practice ⇨ কার্যে পরিণত করা
⇨ You should put into practice what you say.

* Put the cart before the horse ⇨ to Reverse the natural order of things

* Put up with⇨ সহ্য করা
⇨ No one can put up with such an insult.

* Rainy day ⇨ A difficult day/ দুর্দিন

* Raise one's brows ⇨ Surprise

* Raise one's voice ⇨ To Speak loudy because of angry

* Rank and file ⇨  Common men/ সাধারণ লোকজন/ রাজনৈতিক কর্মীবৃন্দ
The rank and file must do exactly as they are told.

* Read between the lines ⇨ To extract or grasp hidden meaning/ To read carefully to find out any hidden meaning./ অন্তর্নিহিত অর্থ বুঝা

* Red handed ⇨ With proof/, with stolen articles/ হাতেনাতে
The thieft was caught red handed.

* Red tape ⇨ A defect associated with bureaucracy / আমলাতান্ত্রিক জটিলতা

* Red letter day ⇨ A memorable day/ A day of rejoicing

* Riding fall for a fall ⇨, To act recklessly/ হঠকারী আচরণ করা

* Road block ⇨   Obstacle/ বাঁধা

* Root and Branch ⇨ আমূল
Some prison practices are in need of root and branch reform.

* Round dozen ⇨ A full dozen

* Round the clock ⇨ Twenty four hours/ সমস্ত দিন
He is working round the clock.

* Rule of thumb ⇨ Method based on experience or practice
Though illiterate, our cultivators often solve their difficulties by the rule of thumb.

* Run Counter ⇨ Contradict/ Oppose/ Disagree/ বিরোধিতা করা/ সাংঘর্ষিক হওয়া

* Run into debt ⇨ ঋণের জালে আটকা পড়া

* Run over ⇨ চাপা দেওয়া
The old man was run over by a speedy bus.

* Run Riot ⇨ Behave in a lawless way/ Act without restraint/ অসংযত আচরণ করা

* Safe and Sound ⇨ নিরাপদে ও অক্ষতশরীরে
The man reached the station safe and sound.
One week later, the hikers were found safe and sound.

* Salt of life ⇨ Valuable things/ মূল্যবান জিনিস
* Salt of the earth ⇨ Ideal man/ আদর্শ ব্যক্তি / মূল্যবান সম্পদ
These folks are the salt of the earth.

* Second to none ⇨  Unique/ অদ্বিতীয়

* See eye to eye with ⇨ Agree/ সম্মতি

* See red ⇨ to Become very angry/ অত্যন্ত রাগান্বিত হওয়া

* See to ⇨ দেখা
I will see to the children's breakfast.

* Seventh heaven ⇨ In a state of supreme happiness/ Extremely happy/ চরম খুশি
⇨ Nazma was in seventh heaven when she heard about her son's result.

* Shadow Cabinet ⇨ ছায়ামন্ত্রিসভা

* Sharing the same view ⇨ একমত পোষণ করা

* Sharp practice ⇨  Dishonest business/ Deceptive practice
 ⇨ He is fond of sharp practice

* Show good manners ⇨ Behave gently/ ভদ্রভাবে আচরণ

* Sick of Something ⇨ কোনো কিছুতে বিরক্ত হওয়া
⇨ He is sick of flattery.

* Silver lining ⇨  Hope
Every cloud has a silver lining.

* Sine die ⇨ অনির্দিষ্টকালের জন্য
The act has been suspended for sine die.

* Six feet under ⇨ To be dead and buried
 My uncle is six feet under.

* Sixes and sevens ⇨ Confused/Disorganized/ বিশঙ্খল/ এলোমেলো

* Six of one and a half of a dozen of another ⇨ Negligible difference

* Sit on the fence ⇨ Remain neutral in a dispute/ বিবাদের সময় নিরপেক্ষ থাকা

* Sitting duck ⇨ An easy target

* Skim through ⇨ বিবেচনা করা
He skimmed through the catalogs, looking for a nice gift for me.

* Slow coach ⇨ Very lazy person/ A dull fellow/ খুব অলস প্রকৃতির লোক

* Smell a rat ⇨ Suspect something wrong

* Snake in the grass ⇨ A hidden enemy

* Soft soap ⇨ Flattery for self motives/ Persuade by flattery
When we soft-soap somebody, we do persuade that man

* Sort out ⇨ সমাধান করা
He is still trying to sort out his problems.

* Spare no pains ⇨ চেষ্টার ত্রুটি না করা
We will spare no pains to support you in the election.

* Spectator sport ⇨ A game which interesting to watch

* Speed money ⇨ Bribe/ ঘুষ

* Spill the beans ⇨ Reveal someone's secret

* Square meal ⇨ A large and satisfying meal

* Stand aloof ⇨ ঘুরে দাড়ানো

* Stare decisis⇨ পূর্ব নির্ধারিত বিষয়ে অটল থাকা
We should stand aloof to the decision.

* Status quo ⇨ স্থিতিবস্থা/পূর্বাবস্থা
They have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.

* Stay put ⇨ Remain still/ to remain in the same place or position
The father told his son to stay put in the room.

* Steal the show ⇨ সর্বাপেক্ষা জনপ্রিয় হওয়া
He stole the show.

* Step down ⇨ Resign from an important position

* Stick one's neck out ⇨ Take a big risk/ বড় ধরণের ঝুঁকি নেওয়া

* Stick to ⇨ অটল থাকা
I think we should stick to our original plan.

* Storm in a tea cup ⇨ A lot of fuss/ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ নয় এমন বিষয়ে ব্যাপক উত্তেজনা

* Straw poll ⇨ Unofficial survey of public opinion

* Straw vote ⇨ Unofficial survey of public opinion

* Stuff and nonsense ⇨ Bad/Rubbish/ বাজে

* Stumbling block ⇨ Obstacle/ বাধা

* Sub judice⇨ বিচারাধীন/বিবেচনাধীন

Swang song ⇨ Last work of a playwright
 The Tempest is generally thought to be the swangsong of shakespeare.


* Take after ⇨ একই রকম দেখতে হওয়া
Mili takes after her mother.

* Take away ⇨ কিছু সরিয়ে নেওয়া
⇨ Take away the dirty dishes.

* Take back ⇨ (কথা) ফিরিয়ে নেওয়া
⇨ She will not take back her words

* Take down ⇨ লিখে সংরক্ষণ করে রাখা
The police took down our addresses and phone numbers.

* Take for ⇨ গণ্য করা
Do you take me for a completed idiot?
I took him for my friend.
I took him for an honest man.

* Take for granted ⇨ Beg the question/ সাক্ষ্য প্রমাণ ছাড়া না ভেবে কোনো কিছুকে সত্য বলে ধরে নেওয়া
Mother took my idea for granted.
You should not take for granted.

* Take full advantage ⇨  Make good use/ সর্বোত্তম ব্যবহার করা/ সঠিকভাবে কাজে লাগানো
When I was in town, I tried to take full advantage of the many libraries there.

* Take into account ⇨ Consider/ বিবেচনা করা

* Take one task ⇨ কাউকে তিরস্কার করা
My father took him to task for his responsibilities.

* Take somebody for cruising ⇨ To provide entertainment/ আনন্দলাভের উদ্দেশ্যে জাহাজে ভ্রমণ করা

* Take the chair ⇨ Preside/ সভাপতিত্ব করা

* Take to heart ⇨ব্যথিতচিত্ত হওয়া

* Take to one's heel ⇨ to escape; To quickly run away

* Talk out ⇨  Settle by talking/ আলোচনা করে মীমাংসা করা

* Talk through one's hat ⇨ Talking nonsense/ বোকার মত কথা বলা
I did not mind what he was saying; he was talking only through his hat.

* Tell against ⇨ বাধা দেওয়া

* Tell off⇨ তিরস্কার করা
⇨ He told off me for my little mistake.

* Tell upon ⇨ ক্ষতি করা
Hard work can tell upon your health.

* Tenure position ⇨ A permanent Job/ স্থায়ী পদ বা চাকরি

* That is to say ⇨ More accurately/ Exactly/ একদম সঠিকভাবে বলতে গেলে

* The apex of triangle ⇨ Top

* The man in the street ⇨ রাস্তার মানুষ
To win the election we need to understand what the man in the street wants.

* Three score ⇨ Three times twenty/ ষাট

* Through and through ⇨ in every inch/ thoroughly/completely/ সম্পূর্ণরূপে/ পুরোপুরি
Mr. Rahman was a gentleman through and through.

* Through thick and thin⇨ সর্বাবস্থায়
I will support you through thick and thin.
We achieved our goal through thick and thin.
In marriage the married couple have to stick together through thick and thin.

* Throw cold water on ⇨ Discourage/নিরুৎসাহিত করা

* Tittle-tattle ⇨ Gossip/ খোশগল্প

* To breath one's last ⇨ মারা যাওয়া

* To be one's wit's end ⇨ To be perplexed/ হতবুদ্ধি হওয়া

* To be partial of something ⇨ Like it/ অত্যধিক পছন্দ করা

* To bite the dust ⇨ মারা যাওয়া

* To bite the ground ⇨ মারা যাওয়া

* To buy the farm ⇨ মারা যাওয়া

* To cross the styx ⇨ মারা যাওয়া

* To give up the ghost ⇨ মারা যাওয়া

* To hop the twig ⇨ মারা যাওয়া 

* To doctor an animal ⇨ To sterilize it

* To fill with ⇨ পরিপূর্ণ থাকা
The child was full with happines.

* To get along with ⇨ মানিয়ে নেয়া/ খাপ খাইয়ে নেয়া/ To adjust

* To have a screw leave ⇨ Be slightly eccentric/ আচরণে সামান্য অন্যরকম হওয়া

* To have an eye to grind ⇨ নিজের স্বার্থে কাজ করা বা সেবা দেয়া/ A selfish means to serve

* To kick the bucket ⇨ মারা যাওয়া

* To kiss the dust ⇨ মারা যাওয়া

* To kiss the ground ⇨ মারা যাওয়া

* To leave no stone unturned ⇨ চেষ্টার ত্রুটি না করা
He left no stone unturned to gain his object.

* To play a vital role ⇨ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করা
We should play a vital role to change the economic condition of our country

* To yield up the ghost ⇨ মারা যাওয়া

* Tooth and nail ⇨ Strongly/ Completely/ প্রাণপণে/ তীব্রভাবে চেষ্টা করা

* Tooth for tooth ⇨ To take revenge/ সমুচিত প্রতিশোধ নেওয়া

* Tooth your own horn ⇨ Boast oneself/ নিজেই নিজের ঢাক পেটানো

* Tooth your own trumpet ⇨ নিজেই নিজের ঢাক পেটানো

* To take a leap in the dark ⇨ To do hazardous thing without an idea of the result.

* To the full swing ⇨ Thoroughly/ সম্পূর্ণরূপে

* Try tooth and nail ⇨  Tried hard/ কঠোর চেষ্টা করা

* Trial and error ⇨ বিভিন্ন উপায়ে সমস্যা সমাধানের চেষ্টা করতে গিয়ে কৃত ভুলের মাধ্যমে শেখা
I never read instruction manual. I learned how to use the computer by trial and error.

* Turn a blind eye ⇨ দেখেও না দেখার ভান করা (Pretend not to notice)
Teachers were turning a blind eye to smoking in school.
⇨  please, don't turn a blind eye to what is happening

* Turn a deaf ear ⇨ Pay no attention/ Disregard/ মনোযোগ না দেওয়া/ উপেক্ষা করা

* Turn against ⇨ শত্রু হয়ে ওঠা
They soon turn against us.

* Turn aside ⇨  শত্রু হয়ে ওঠা
 We should not turn aside from the path of virtue.

* Turn away ⇨ অন্য দিকে চলে যাওয়া/ মুখ ফিরিয়ে নেওয়া
 He turned away in disguise. (সে ছদ্মবেশে মুখ ফিরিয়ে নিল)

* Turn down ⇨ প্রত্যাখান করা
⇨ The boy turned down our proposal.
⇨ He turn down the proposal

* Turn in ⇨ ফেরত দেওয়া
You must turn in your pass when you leave the building.

* Turn into ⇨ পরিবর্তন করা
Turn this passage into English

* Turn off ⇨ বন্ধ করা
Turn off switch off, because the milk is boiled.

 * Turn on ⇨ চালু করা
Turn on oven, I want bake a pizza.

* Turn over ⇨ উল্টে যাওয়া
The boat turn over suddenly

* Turn over a new leaf ⇨ To begin a new course of life/ Opened a new chapter / জীবনের নতুন অধ্যায় শুরু করা
In July he decided to turn over a new leaf and work much harder

* Turn to ⇨ নিযুক্ত হওয়া
I advised him to turn to the study of medicine.

* Turn out ⇨ বিতাড়িত করা
He was turned out from the school.

* Turn up ⇨ উপস্থিত হওয়া
His brother has not turned up yet.

* Ultra vires ⇨ ক্ষমতার বহির্ভূত
Some dishonest people try to create anarchy in the society by ultra vires activities.

* Under lock and key ⇨ বন্দী
The criminal was under lock and key.

* Up to the hilt ⇨ পরিপূর্ণভাবে
To make good results, you have to pay attention to studies up to the hilt.

* Up to the mark ⇨ প্রত্যাশিত 
Your result in the examination is not up to the mark.

* Upper hand ⇨ More power and control than anyone
 I want the upper hand in this deal.

* Ups and downs ⇨ উত্থান-পতন
Every relationship has a lot of ups and downs.

* Value Judgement ⇨ ব্যক্তিগত দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি নির্ভর মতামত বা রায় (Judgement based on personal views

* Vicious circle ⇨ দুষ্টুচক্র
A vicious circle is a situation that cannot be changed.

* Videlicet ⇨ যথা, উদাহরণস্বরূপ

* Voir dire ⇨ সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণে সত্যতা যাচাই/ Evidence of the witness

* Vote rigging ⇨ Making vote forgery/ ভোট জালিয়াতি করা

* Yeoman's service ⇨ মহৎ কাজ
Sher-e-Bangla did yeoman's service for the development of education.


* Wash one's dirty linen in public ⇨ To do some ugly work in public/ to discuss private matters in public/ Discuss family quarrels/ Unpleasant affairs in the presence of other people.

* Watch out for ⇨ Look out/ Be cautious/ সতর্ক হওয়া/ সজাগ হওয়া
Watch out for your enemy.

* Wash one's hands of ⇨ সম্পর্ক ছিন্ন করা
When her son was arrested again shevwashed her hands of him. 
Amitab washed his hands after realising how dirty politics is.

* Wear and tear ⇨ Depreciation/ ব্যবহারজনিত ক্ষয়
Furniture always shows wear and tear.
Seat covers on buses take a lot of wear and tear.

* Wear out ⇨ অবসন্ন হওয়া
She was worn out from looking after her elderly mother.

* Weed out ⇨ To get rid of unwanted things or people from a group/ মুক্ত হওয়া/ নিস্তার পাওয়া

* What are you? ⇨ Your profession

* White collar job ⇨ A job without mannual labour/ বাবুকাজ

* While away ⇨ To spend time in a pleasant lazy way.

* White Elephant ⇨ A very costly unproductive possession/ অত্যন্ত ব্যয়বহুল অলাভজনক সমস্যাসঙ্কুল বস্তু বা মালিকানা
We are in deep financial crunch. We should cut off the white elephant.

* White lie ⇨ Harmless lie
He told a white lie to make the agitated students calm.

* Wild goose chase ⇨ Useless pursuit/Work without success/ পণ্ডশ্রম

* With a view to ⇨ কোন কিছু করার উদ্দেশ্যে
Anis went to Dhaka with a view to seeing his mother in hospital.

* With flying colours ⇨ Win/ বিজয়ী হওয়া
 Our team came out  with a flying colours.

* With his salt ⇨ A highly paid worker/  A respectable man

* With impunity ⇨  Without fear of punishment/ শাস্তির ভয় ছাড়াই
Powerful people sometimes commit crimes with impunity.

* With open arms ⇨ Warmly

* Without fail ⇨ ব্যর্থ ছাড়া
She promised that she would be there without fail.

* Without issue ⇨ Childless/ নিঃসন্তান
At last the miser of the village died without issue.

* Word for word⇨ হুবহু
She listen to everything I said and repeated it word for word to her mother.

* Work against the clock ⇨, Work fast/ Work with utmost speed/ সময় কম বলে দ্রুততার সাথে কাজ করা
We will have to work against the clock to finish our work in time.
Jim worked against the clock to get the homework finished before 10 p.m.

* Zest for ⇨ অনুরাগ
He has a zest for social work.
