Preposition "Against" এর ব্যবহার

কোনো কিছু বা কারো বিরুদ্ধে বা প্রতিকূলে সংঘটিত কৃত কাজ বুঝাতে Against ব্যবহৃত হয়।

⇨ I've decided to take legal action ------ him.
⇨ She was forced to marry ------- her will.
⇨ We were rowing ------the current.
⇨ The charge of murder was brought ------ him.
⇨ He is swimming ------ the current.
⇨ They were sailing ------ the wind.
⇨ Because of discrimination ------ women, she was required to work as a nurse rather than a doctor.
⇨ The client lodged a complaint ------ the cashier.

কোন কিছুর সাথে হেলান দেওয়া বা স্পর্শ করা বা আঁকরে ধরে থাকা অর্থে Against ব্যবহৃত হয়।

⇨ He is leaning ------ the wall.
⇨ Push the bed ------ the wall.
⇨ She sat leaning ------ the wall.
⇨ She is leaning ------ a tree.
