Same Word Used as Different Parts of Speech

Same Word in different sentences Parts of Speech
He lost his all in a burry.Noun
All is lost.Noun
All spoke in his favour
All of us know it.Pronoun
All men are mortal.Adjective
He was all alone when I saw himAdverb
All men are mortal.Adjective

He as fast as he could.Adverb
As he was poor, I helped him.Conjunction
She likes the same colour as I do.Relative pronoun

I have seen you before.Adverb
He came before the appointed time.Preposition
He went away before I came.Conjunction
Look before you leap.Conjunction
I saw him once before.Adverb

Give place to your betters.Noun
I think yours is a better plan.Adjective
I know him better.Adverb
He is better worker than I.Adjective
You should honour your betters.Noun

Both of them are dead.Pronoun
You cannot have it both ways.Adverb
Both the cashier and the accountant are Hindus.Conjunction

There is no one but likes him. Relative Pronoun
It is but right to admit our faults.Adverb
You are but a child.Adverb
We tried hard, but did not succeed.Conjunction
None but the brave deserves the fair.Preposition
But me no buts.Verb
But me no buts.Noun
What can we do but sit and wait?Preposition
What can rasel do but die?Preposition
He is poor but honest.Conjunction
There is no mother but loves her child.Negative Relative Pronoun

He has seen the ups and downs of life.Noun
Try to down him.Verb
The down train has left the station.Adjective
Down went the Royal George.Adverb
She came down the hill.Preposition

Ask either of them.Pronoun
Either will do.Pronoun
He is watching either side of the river.Adjective
You must either work or starve.Conjunction
Either come in or go out.Conjunction
Either of the two girls will be awarded.Pronoun

I have had enough of this.Noun
There is enough time to spare.Adjective
You know well enough what I mean.Adverb
He was wise enough to accept the office.Adverb
