বিগত বিভিন্ন পরীক্ষায় আসা ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের বইসমূহ (Books of English Literature Common in Various Previous Job Exams)
- A Brief History of Time ⇨ Stiphen Hokings
- A Christmas carol ⇨ Charles Dickens
- A Doll's House ⇨ Henrik Ibsen
- A farewell to arms ⇨ Earnest Hemingway
- A Grammarian's Funeral ⇨ Robert Browning
- A Long Walk to Freedom ⇨ Nelson Mendela
- A Lover's Compliant ⇨William Shakespeare
- A Midsummer Night's Dream ⇨ William Shakespeare
- A modest Proposal ⇨ Jonathan Swift
- A Promised Land ⇨ Barack Obama
- A Room of One's Own ⇨ Virginia Woolf
- A Tale of a Tub (Prose & Tragedy) ⇨ Jonathan Swift
- A Tale of Tub (Comedy Play) ⇨ Ben Jonson
- A Tale of Two Cities ⇨ Charles Dickens
- A Voyage of Lilliput ⇨ Jonathan Swift
- A Voyage to Abyssinia ⇨ Samuel Johnson
- Adam Bede ⇨ George Eliot
- Adonais ⇨ P.B Shelley
- Albrator ⇨ P.B Shelley
- All for Love ⇨ John Dryden
- All's Well that ends well ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Amoretti ⇨ Edmund Spenser
- An Apology for Poetry ⇨ Sir Philip Sydney
- An Essay on Man ⇨ Alexander Pope
- Andrea Del Sarto ⇨ Robert Browning
- Antony and Cleopatra ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Arcadia ⇨ Sir Philip Sydney
- Areopagitica ⇨ John Milton
- Arms and The Man ⇨ George Barnard Shaw
- Around the World in Eighty Day ⇨ Jules verne
- Arrow of God ⇨ Chinua Achebe
- As you like it ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Asian Drama ⇨ Gunar Myrdal
- Aspects of Novel ⇨ Edward Morgan Forster
- Astrophel ⇨ Edmund Spenser
- Astrophel And Stella ⇨ Sir Philip Sydney
- Barnaby rudge ⇨ Charles Dickens
- Beowulf ⇨ Unknown writer
- Biographia Literaria ⇨ S.T Coleridge
- Bleak house ⇨ Charles Dickens
- Brick Lane ⇨ Monica Ali
- Caesar and Cleopatra ⇨ George Barnard Shaw
- Candida ⇨ George Barnard Shaw
- Captain Singleton ⇨ Daniel Defoe
- Cenci ⇨ P.B Shelley
- Change You Can believe in ⇨ Barack Obama
- Christabel ⇨ S.T Coleridge
- Clarissa ⇨ Samuel Richardson
- Colombo's Birthday ⇨ Robert Browning
- Colonel Jack ⇨ Daniel Defoe
- Comedy of errors ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Coriolanus ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Cymbeline ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Daffodils ⇨ William Wordsworth
- Dangling Man ⇨ Saul Bellow
- Daughter of the East ⇨ Benzair Bhutto
- David copperfield ⇨ Charles Dickens
- Death of a Salesman ⇨ Arthur Asher Miller
- Dejection: An Ode ⇨ S.T Coleridge
- Desperate Remedies ⇨ Thomas Hardy
- Discovery of India ⇨ Jawaharlal Nehru
- Dombey and son ⇨ Charles Dickens
- Don Juan ⇨ Lord Byron. (Don > Ron > Byron)
- Dr. Zivago ⇨ Boris Pasternak
- Drapier's Letters ⇨ Jonathan Swift
- Dreams from my Father ⇨ Barack Obama
- Edward II ⇨ Christopher Marlowe
- Edwin drood ⇨ Charles Dickens
- Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard ⇨ Thomas Gray
- Emma ⇨ Jane Austen
- Endymion ⇨ John Keats
- English Idyll (কাব্য) ⇨ Lord Alfred Tennyson
- Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot (Epistle ⇨ চিঠি ⇨ Alexander Pope
- Essay on Criticism ⇨ Alexander Pope
- Essays of Elia ⇨ Charles Lamb
- Everyman in his humour ⇨ Ben Jonson
- Everyman out of his humour ⇨ Ben Jonson
- Far from the madding crowd ⇨ Thomas Hardy
- Fire and Fury ⇨ Michael Wolf
- For Whom the Bell Tolls ⇨ Earnest Hemingway
- Four Hymns (স্তবগান) ⇨ Edmund Spenser
- Four Quartets ⇨ T.S. Eliot
- Fra Lippo Lippi ⇨ Robert Browning
- From Purdah to Parliament ⇨ Shaista Ikramulla
- From Third World to First ⇨ Aung Saan Suchi
- Gerontion ⇨ T.S. Eliot
- Globalization and its Discontents ⇨ Joseph E Stigliz
- Goody Blake ⇨ William Wordsworth
- Gorboduc ⇨ Thomas Sackville & Thomas Norton
- Great expectation ⇨ Charles Dickens
- Gulliver's Travels ⇨ Jonathan Swift
- Hamlet ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Hard times ⇨ Charles Dickens
- Harry Potter ⇨ J.K Rowling
- Heaven and Earth ⇨ Ian Plimer
- Henderson the Rain King ⇨ Saul Bellow
- Herzog, Mr. Sammler's Planet ⇨ Saul Bellow
- Hesperides ⇨ Robert Herrick
- History of Second World War ⇨ Winston Churchill
- Hudibars ⇨ Samuel Butler
- Humboldt's Gift ⇨ Saul Bellow
- Hyperion ⇨ John Keats
- Immaturity ⇨ George Bernard Shaw
- In Memorium ⇨ Lord Alfred Tennyson
- In the Line of fire ⇨ General Parvage Mosarraf
- India Wins Freedom ⇨ Abul Kalam Azad
- Indian Camp ⇨ Earnest Hemingway
- India's Export Trends and Prospects for Self Sustained growth ⇨ Monmohon Singh
- Isabella ⇨ John Keats
- Jane Eyre ⇨ Charlotte Bronte
- Joan of Arc (Drama) ⇨ Charles Dickens
- Jude the obscure ⇨ Thomas Hardy
- Julius Caesar ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Justice ⇨ Henry Wordsworth Longfellow
- King Lear ⇨ William Shakespeare
- King Midas ⇨ John Lyly
- Kubla Khan ⇨ S.T Coleridge
- Lady Chatterley's Lover ⇨ D.H Lawrence
- Lamia ⇨ John Keats
- Leda and Swan ⇨ W.B Yeats
- Leviathan ⇨ Thomas Hobbes
- Little dorrit ⇨ Charles Dickens
- Living History ⇨ Hillary Clinton
- Locksley Hall ⇨ Lord Alfred Tennyson
- Lord Jim A: Tale ⇨ Josep Conrad
- Lord of the Flies ⇨ William Golding
- Lorna Doone ⇨ Richard Doddridge Blackmore
- Lotus Eaters ⇨ Lord Alfred Tennyson
- Love Among the Ruins ⇨ Robert Browning
- Love and Friendship ⇨ Jane Austen
- Love for Love ⇨ William Congreve
- Love's Labour's Lost ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Love's Labour's Won ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Lucy ⇨ William Wordsworth
- Lycidas ⇨ John Milton
- Lyrical Ballads ⇨ William Wordsworth
- Macbeth ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Man and Superman ⇨ George Barnard Shaw
- Mansfield Park ⇨ Jane Austen
- Martin chuzztewit ⇨ Charles Dickens
- Measure for Measure ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Men and Women ⇨ Joseph McElroy
- Merry wives of windsor ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Michael ⇨ William Wordsworth
- Middlemarch ⇨ George Eliot
- Midnight's Children ⇨ Salman Rushidi
- Morte D' Arthur ⇨ Lord Alfred Tennyson
- Mrs. Warren's ⇨ Profession George Bernard Shaw
- Much Ado About Nothing ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Murder in the Cathedral ⇨ T.S. Eliot
- My last Duchess ⇨ Robert Browning
- My life ⇨ Bill Clinton
- Nicholas Nickley ⇨ Charles Dickens
- Northanger ⇨ Abbey Jane Austen
- Not One More Mother's Child ⇨ Chindy Sheehan
- Novum Organum ⇨ Francis Bacon
- O Nightingale ⇨ John Milton
- Objective Correlative ⇨ T.S. Eliot
- Ode on a Grecian Urn ⇨ John Keats
- Ode on Melancholy ⇨ John Keats
- Ode to a Skylark ⇨ P.B Shelley
- Ode to Autumn ⇨ John Keats
- Ode to Duty ⇨ William Wordsworth
- Ode to Nightingale ⇨ John Keats
- Ode to Psyche ⇨ John Keats
- Ode to the West Wind ⇨ P.B Shelley
- Oenone ⇨ Lord Alfred Tennyson
- Of Human Bondage (মায়ের সাথে বন্ধন) ⇨ William Sommerset Maugham
- Of Men and Women ⇨ Pear S. Buck
- Oliver Twist ⇨ Charles Dickens
- On Shakespeare ⇨ John Milton
- One Word More ⇨ Robert Browning
- Orlando ⇨ Robert Greene
- Othello ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Our mutual friend ⇨ Charles Dickens
- Ozaymandias ⇨ P.B Shelley
- Pamela ⇨ Samuel Richardson
- Paradise Lost ⇨ John Milton
- Paradise Regained ⇨ John Milton
- Patriotism ⇨ Sir Walter Scott
- Pericles, Prince of Tyre ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Persuasion ⇨ Jane Austen
- Point Counterpoint ⇨ Aldous Huxley
- Porphyria's Love ⇨ Robert Browning
- Preface to Shakespeare ⇨ Samuel Jonson
- Pride and Prejudice ⇨ Jane Austen
- Prometheus Unbound ⇨ P.B Shelley
- Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism ⇨ Max Weber
- Queen Mab ⇨ P.B Shelley
- Queen Mary ⇨ Lord Alfred Tennyson
- Rabbi Ben Ezra ⇨ Robert Browning
- Ravelstein ⇨ Saul Bellow
- Road to Freedom ⇨ Bertrand Russel
- Robinson Crusoe ⇨ Daniel Defoe
- Romeo and Juliet ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Roots ⇨ Alex Haley
- Roxana ⇨ Daniel Defoe
- Sailing to Byzantium ⇨ W.B Yeats
- Samson Agonistes ⇨ John Milton
- Sanditone ⇨ Jane Austen
- Satanic Verses ⇨ Salman Rushidi
- Secrets and Silence ⇨ Adrinne Rich
- Seize the Day ⇨ Saul Bellow
- Sense and Sensibility ⇨ Jane Austen
- Sherlock Holmes ⇨ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Siddartha ⇨ Hermann Hesse
- Silas marner ⇨ George Eliot
- Songs of Experience ⇨ William Blake
- Songs of Innocence ⇨ William Blake
- Sons and Lovers ⇨ D.H Lawrence
- Suicide ⇨ David Emile Durkheim (Death > D)
- Sultana's Dream ⇨ Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain
- Tamburlaine the Great ⇨ Christopher Marlowe
- Tears Idle Tears ⇨ Lord Alfred Tennyson
- Tess of the D'urbervilles ⇨ Thomas Hardy
- The Adventures of Augie March ⇨ Saul Bellow
- The alchemist ⇨ Ben Jonson
- The Arabian Nights ⇨ Sir Richard Francis Burton
- The Art of War ⇨ Sun Tzu
- The Audacity of Hope ⇨ Barack Obama
- The Battle Of the Book ⇨ Jonathan Swift
- The Birthday Party ⇨ Harold Pinter
- The Bluest eye ⇨ Tony morrison
- The Canterbury Tales (Poem) ⇨ Geoffrey Chaucer
- The Captive Lady ⇨ Michel Modhusodon Datta
- The Chimes ⇨ Charles Dickens
- The Clash of the Civilization ⇨ Samuel Hantington
- The Cloud ⇨ P.B Shelley
- The Cricket on the hearth ⇨ Charles Dickens
- The Da Vinci Code ⇨ Dan Brown
- The Daffodils ⇨ William Wordsworth
- The Defense of Poetry ⇨ P.B Shelley
- The Definition of Love ⇨ Andrew Marvell
- The Diamond Necklace ⇨ Guy de Maupassant
- The Doctor's Dilemma ⇨ George Bernard Shaw
- The Duchess of Malfi ⇨ John Webster
- The Duncan ⇨ Alexander Pope
- The End of History and the last Man ⇨ Franchis Fukuyama
- The Enigma of Arrival ⇨ V.S Naipal
- The Excursion ⇨ William Wordsworth
- The Faerie Queen ⇨ Edmund Spenser
- The Falcon ⇨ Lord Alfred Tennyson
- The False alarms ⇨ Samuel Jonson
- The Father Adventures of ⇨ Robinson crusoe Daniel Defoe
- The garden ⇨ Andrew Marvell
- The Gift of the Magi ⇨ O' Henry
- The God of Small Things ⇨ Arundhuti Roy
- The Good Earth ⇨ Pearl S. Buck
- The haunted man ⇨ Charles Dickens
- The History of Cardenio ⇨ William Shakespeare
- The History of England ⇨ Jane Austen
- The Hollow Man ⇨ T.S. Eliot
- The House of Fame ⇨ Geoffrey Chaucer
- The Idiot boy ⇨ William Wordsworth
- The iliad of Homer ⇨ Alexander Pope
- The Illiad ⇨ Homer
- The Indian Muslims ⇨ Mohammad Mujeeb
- The Inheritance of Loss ⇨ Kira Desai
- The Jew of Malta ⇨ Christopher Marlowe
- The Kite Runner ⇨ Khaled Hosseini
- The Lady of Shallot ⇨ Lord Alfred Tennyson
- The lake Isle of Innisfree ⇨ W.B Yeats
- The Lamb (Poem) ⇨ William Blake
- The last Ride together ⇨ Robert Browning
- The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock ⇨ T.S. Eliot
- The Luncheon ⇨ William Somerset Maugham
- The Marriage of Heaven and Hell ⇨ William Blake
- The mask of Anarchy ⇨ P.B Shelley
- The Massacre of Paris ⇨ Christopher Marlowe
- The mayor of caster bridge ⇨ Thomas Hardy
- The Merchant of Venice ⇨ William Shakespeare
- The Modern State ⇨ R M Maclever
- The Necessity of Atheism ⇨ P.B Shelley
- The New Atlantis ⇨ Francis Bacon
- The Nightingale ⇨ S.T Coleridge
- The Nun's Priest's Tale ⇨ Geoffrey Chaucer
- The old Bachelor ⇨ William Congreve
- The old curiosity shop ⇨ Charles Dickens
- The old man and the sea ⇨ Earnest Hemingway
- The Origin of Species ⇨ Charles Darwin
- The Passionate Pilgrim (Collection of 20 poems) ⇨ William Shakespeare
- The Passionate Shepherd to His Love ⇨ Christopher Marlowe
- The Patriot (Pamphlet) ⇨ Samuel Jonson
- The Patriot (Poem) ⇨ Robert Browning
- The Phoenix and the Turtle ⇨ William Shakespeare
- The Pickwick papers ⇨ Charles Dickens
- The Pied Piper of Hamelin ⇨ Robert Browning
- The Pilgrim's Progress ⇨ John Bunyan
- The poor man and the lady ⇨ Thomas Hardy
- The Preclude ⇨ William Wordsworth
- The Prince ⇨ Niccolo Machiavelli
- The Rainbow ⇨ D.H Lawrence
- The Rape of Bangladesh ⇨ Anthony Mascarenhas
- The Rape of Lucrece ⇨ William Shakespeare
- The Rape of the Lock ⇨ Alexander Pope
- The Recluse ⇨ William Wordsworth
- The Return of the Druses ⇨ Robert Browning
- The return of the Native ⇨ Thomas Hardy
- The Revolt of Islam ⇨ P.B Shelley
- The Rime of Ancient Mariner ⇨ S.T Coleridge
- The Road to Mocca ⇨ Mohammad Asad
- The Sacred Flame ⇨ Oscar Wilde/ William Somerset Maugham
- The School Boy (Poem) ⇨ William Blake
- The Scholar Gipsy ⇨ Mathew Arnold
- The Second Coming ⇨ W.B Yeats
- The Shepherd's Calender ⇨ Edmund Spenser
- The signal man ⇨ Charles Dickens
- The Silent woman ⇨ Ben Jonson
- The Solitary Reaper ⇨ William Wordsworth
- The Spanish Gypsy ⇨ George Eliot
- The Spanish Tragedy ⇨ Thomas Kyd
- The Study of Poetry ⇨ Mathew Arnold
- The Subjection of Women ⇨ John Stuart Mill
- The Suicide Arguments ⇨ S.T Coleridge
- The sun also rises ⇨ Earnest Hemingway
- The Taming of the Shrew ⇨ William Shakespeare
- The Tempest ⇨ William Shakespeare
- The Temple ⇨ George Herbert
- The Thorn ⇨ William Wordsworth
- The Tiger (Poem) ⇨ William Blake
- The Time Machine ⇨ Herbert George Wells
- The torrents of spring ⇨ Earnest Hemingway
- The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus ⇨ Christopher Marlowe
- The Utopia Sir ⇨ Thomas More
- The Vincy Code ⇨ Dan Brown
- The Virtue of Rewarded ⇨ Samuel Richardson
- The Voyage Out ⇨ Virginia Woolf
- The Waste Land ⇨ T.S. Eliot
- The Way of the world ⇨ William Congreve
- The Wealth of Nations ⇨ Adam Smith
- The White Tiger ⇨ Arbindo Adigaon
- The Wild Swans at Coole ⇨ W.B Yeats
- The winter's Tale ⇨ William Shakespeare
- The Woman ⇨ T.C. Boyle
- Things Fall Apart ⇨ Chinua Achebe
- Timbuctoo ⇨ Lord Alfred Tennyson
- Time, You old Gypsy man ⇨ Ralph Hodgson
- Timon of Athens ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Tintern Abbey ⇨ William Wordsworth
- Tithonus ⇨ Alfred Tennyson
- Titus Andronicus ⇨ William Shakespeare
- To Daffodils ⇨ Robert Herrick
- To Helen ⇨ Edgar Allen Poe
- To his coy mistress ⇨ Andrew Marvell
- To the Cuckoo ⇨ William Wordsworth
- Tom Jones ⇨ Henry Fielding
- Troilus and Cressida ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Troilus and Criseyde ⇨ Geoffrey Chaucher
- Twelfth Night ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Two Gentlemen of Verona ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Two in the Campagna ⇨ Robert Browning
- Ulysses (Novel) ⇨ James Joyce
- Ulysses(Poem) ⇨ Lord Alfred Tennyson
- Uncle Tom's Cabin ⇨ Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Under the greenwood tree ⇨ Thomas Hardy
- Vanity Fair ⇨ William Makepeace Thackeray
- Venus and Adonis ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Volpone ⇨ Ben Jonson
- Waiting for Godot ⇨ Samuel Beckett
- War and Peace ⇨ Leo Tolstoy
- White Devil ⇨ John Webster
- White House years ⇨ Henry Kisinger
- Wings of Fire ⇨ APJ Abdul kalam
- Written in March ⇨ William Wordsworth
- Wuthering Heights ⇨ Emily Bronte
- You never can tell ⇨ George Barnard Shaw
- কিতাব-আল শিফা ⇨ ইবনে সিনা
- কিতাবুল হিন্দ ⇨ আল বেরুনি
- জিন্নাহ’ ইন্ডিয়া পার্টিশন স্বাধীনতা ⇨ Jaswant Singh
- মসনবী শরীফ ⇨ আল্লামা জালাল উদ্দীন রুমী (রা)