Characters of Important Bokks in English Literature

A Passage to India
Writer: Edward Morgan Forster 
⇨ Dr. Aziz
⇨ Cyril Fielding
⇨ Miss Adela Quested
⇨Ronny Healslop
⇨ Dodbole
⇨ Hamidullah
⇨ Mohammoud Ali
⇨ Stella Moore (Mrs.)

Mrs. Dalloway
Writer: Virginia Woolf
⇨ Clarissa
⇨ Dalloway
⇨ Peter
⇨ Walsh
⇨ Richard Dolloway

Doctor Faustus
Writer: Christopher Marlowe
⇨ Faustus
⇨ Helen of Troy
⇨ The Devils
⇨ Good Angel
⇨ Valdes
⇨ Cornelius
⇨ Wagner
⇨ Bad Angel
⇨ Robin
⇨Pope Adrain VI

The Merchant of Venice
Writer: William Shakespeare
⇨ Antonio
⇨ Bassanio
⇨ Portia
⇨ Shylock

The Faerie Queen
Writer: Edmund Spenser
⇨ The Red Cross Knight
⇨ Una
⇨ The Dwarf
⇨ Archimago
⇨ Morpheus
⇨ Fidessa

The Spanish Tragedy
Writer: Thomas Kyd
⇨ Bellimperia
⇨ Don Andrea
⇨ Baltager
⇨ Horetio
⇨ Lorenga

Midsummer Nights Dream
Writer: William Shakespeare
⇨ Theseus
⇨ Oberoo
⇨ Tiania
⇨ Hermia
⇨ Demetruus
⇨ Lysander
⇨ Botom
⇨ Puck

As You Like it
Writer: William Shakespeare
⇨ Oliver
⇨ Orlando
⇨ Duke Senior
⇨ Duke Frederic
⇨ Celia
⇨ Forest of Arden
⇨ Charles

The Tempest
Writer: William Shakespeare
⇨ Antonio
⇨ Prospero
⇨ Caliban
⇨ Alonso
⇨ Ferdinand
⇨ Sebastian

Romeo and Juliet
Writer: William Shakespeare
⇨Escalus (Prince of Verona)
⇨ Paris (King's Kinsman)
⇨ Montague (Head of first feuded family)
⇨ Lady Montego
⇨ Romeo (Motague's son)
⇨Capulet (Head of second feuded family)
⇨ Lady Capulet ( Caputel's wife)
⇨ Juliet (Capulet's Daughter)

Writer: William Shakespeare
⇨ Hamlet
⇨King Hamlet
⇨ Gertrude
⇨ Claudius
⇨ Horatio
⇨ Ophelia
⇨ Laertes
⇨ Polonius

Writer: William Shakespeare
⇨ Othello
⇨ Desdemona
⇨ Iago
⇨ Emilia

King Lear
Writer: William Shakespeare
⇨ King Lear
⇨ Goneril
⇨ Regan
⇨ Cordelia
⇨ Edmund

Writer: William Shakespeare
⇨ Mackbeth
⇨ Lady Mackbeth
⇨ Duncan
⇨ Malcon
⇨ Macduff
⇨ Witches (ডাইনী)

Great Expectations
Writer: Charles Dickens
⇨ Pip
⇨ Estella
⇨ Miss Havisham

Silas Marner
Writer: George Eliot
⇨ Silas Marner
⇨ Eppie
⇨ William Dane

Arms and The Man
Writer: George Bernard Shaw
⇨ Captain Bluntshli
⇨ Raina Petkoff
⇨ Catherine Petkoff
⇨ Louka
⇨ Nicola

A Farewell to arms
Writer: Earnest Hemingway
⇨ Lieutenant Frederic Henry
⇨ Lieutenant Rinaldi
⇨ Catherine Barkley
⇨ Helen Ferguson

The Sun also Rises
Earnest Hemingway
⇨ Robert Cohn
⇨ Lady Brett Ashley
⇨ Jake Barnes
⇨ Pedro Romero

The Rape of The Lock
Alexander Pope
⇨ Belinda
⇨ Ariel
⇨ Baron
⇨ Umbriel
⇨ Clarissa

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
Thomas Gray
⇨ Hampden
⇨ Milton
⇨ Cromwell
⇨ Muse

Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
⇨ Mr. Darcy
⇨ Elizabeth Bannet
⇨ Jane Bannet
⇨ Charles Bingley
⇨ Mr. William Collins
⇨ Kitty Bannet
⇨ Lydia Bannet

Done Juan
Lord Byron
⇨ Don Juan
⇨ Donna Julia
⇨ Don Alfonso
⇨ Don Jose
⇨ Don Lnez

Silas Marner
George Eliot
⇨ Silas Marner
⇨ Eppie
⇨ William Dane

Tess of the D'urbervilles
Thomas Hardy
⇨ Tess
⇨ Alec
⇨ Sorrow

The Return of the Native
Thomas Hardy
⇨ Demon Wildif
⇨. Degory Ven
⇨ Miss Yobright
⇨ Youstesia
⇨ Tomasin
⇨ Clime Yobright
