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Important Confusing Books in English Literature
- Promethus Unbound (Drama) ⇨ Aeschylus
- Promethus Unbound (Poem) ⇨ P.B Shelley
- Under the Greenwood Tree (Novel) ⇨ Thomas Hardy
- Under the Greenwood Tree (Poem) ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Antony and Cleopatra (Play) ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Caesar and Cleopatra (Play) ⇨ G.B Shaw
- Troilus and Cressida (Tragedy Play) ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Troilus and Cressyde (Poem) ⇨ Geofrey Chaucer
- Ulysses (Poem) ⇨ Lord Alfred Tennyson
- Ulysses (Novel) ⇨ James Joyce
- The Old man and the Sea (Novel) ⇨ Earnest Hemingway
- The Old man at the Zoo (Novel) ⇨ Angus Wilson
- A Tale of Tub (Comedy Play) ⇨ Ben Johnson
- A Tale of a Tub (Essay) ⇨ Jonathan Swift
- A Tale of Two Cities (Novel) ⇨ Charles Dickens
- A Tale of the Pacific Ocean (Advdnture Fiction) ⇨ R.M Ballantyre
- A Tale in Two Parts (Collection of short stories) ⇨ Joseph Conrad
- Victory: An Island Tale (Novel) ⇨ Joseph Conrad
- Arrow of God (Novel) ⇨ Chinua Achebe
- The Arrow of God ⇨ Joseph Conrad
- The Lord of the Rings ⇨ John Ronald Reuel Tolkein
- Lord of the Flies ⇨ William Golding
- Morte d' Arther (Prose) ⇨ Sir Thomas Malory
- Morte d' Arther (Poem) ⇨ Alfred Tennyson
- The Sun also Rises (Novel) ⇨ Earnest Hemingway
- The Sun Rising (Poem) ⇨ John Donne
- Rainbow (Poem) ⇨ William Wordsworth
- Rainbow (Novel) ⇨ D.H Lawrence
- Every Man in His Humour (Play) ⇨ Ben Jonson
- Every Man Out of His Humour (Play) ⇨ Ben Jonson
- The Daffodils (Poem) ⇨ William Wordsworth
- To Daffodils (Poem) ⇨ Robert Herrick
- The Man of Destiny (Play) ⇨ G.B Shaw
- Man and Superman (Play) ⇨ G.B Shaw
- Adonais (Epic) ⇨ P.B Shelley
- Venus and Adonis (Poem) ⇨ William Shakespeare
- The Rape of the Lock ( Mock Epic) ⇨ Alexander Pope
- The Rape of Lucree (Poem) ⇨ William Shakespeare
- The Rape of Bangladesh (Book) ⇨ Anthony Mascarenhas
- Rape Upon Rape (Novel) ⇨ Henry Fielding
- Candida (Play) ⇨ G.B Shaw
- Candida (Satire) ⇨ Voltaire
- The Heart of India (History book) ⇨ Alexander Campbell
- The Heart of Darkness (Novel) ⇨ Joseph conrad
- A Midsummer Night's Dream (Play) ⇨ William Shakespeare
- Midsummer Night ⇨ John Masefield
- The Scholar Gypsy (Poem) ⇨ Mathew Arnold
- The Spanish Gypsy (Epic Poem) ⇨ George Eliot
- Time you Old Gypsy man ⇨ Rulph Hudson
- The Old man and the Sea (Novel) ⇨ Earnest Hemingway
- Riders to the Sea (Play) ⇨ J.M. Synge
- The Death of the Hired Man (Poem) ⇨ Robert Frost
- Death of a Salesman (Play) ⇨ Arthur Miller
- Preface to the Fables ⇨ John Dryden
- Preface to Shakespeare ⇨ Dr. Samuel Johnson
- Preface to the Lyrical Ballads ⇨ William Wordsworth
- The Atheist's Tragedy ⇨ Cyril Tourneur
- The Revenger's Tragedy ⇨ Cyril Tourneur
- The Spanish Tragedy ⇨ Thomash Kyd
- A Room with a view (Novel) ⇨ Edward Morgan Forster
- A Room of One's Own (Fiction) ⇨ Virginia Woolf
- All for Love ⇨ John Dryden
- Love for Love ⇨ William Congreve
- Love and Friendship ⇨ Jane Austen
- The Definition of Love ⇨ Andrew Marvel
- Astrophel ⇨ Edmund Spenser
- Astrophel and Stella ⇨ Sir Philip Sydney