Important Books of Various Writers of English Literature
The Middle English Period (1066-1500)
important Writers
⇨ Geofrey Chaucher
⇨ Sir Thomas Moore
⇨ John Wycliff
⇨ Thomas Sackville
⇨ Thomas Norton
Geoffrey Chaucher
⇨ The Book of Duchess
⇨ Troilus and Criseyde
⇨ Anelida and Arcite
⇨ The Story of Griselda
⇨ The Nun's Priest's Tale
⇨ The House of Fame
⇨ The Parliament of Fowls
⇨ The Legend of Good Women
Sir Thomas More
⇨ The Utopia
John Wycliffe
⇨ On the Truth of Holy Scripture
⇨ On Simony
Thomas Sackville & Thomas Norton
⇨ Gorboduc
The Elizabethan Period (1558-1603)
Edmund Spenser
⇨ The Shepherd's Calender
⇨ The Faerie Queen
⇨ Four Hymns
⇨ Amoretti
⇨ Astrophel
Sir Philip Sydney
⇨ Arcadia
⇨ An Apology for Poetry
⇨ Astrophel And Stella
John Lyly
⇨ Campaspe
⇨ Sapho and Pha
⇨ King Midas
⇨ Euphues
Robert Greene
⇨ Friar Bacon and Friar Bangay
⇨ James-IV
⇨ Alphossus
⇨ The Looking Glass for London And England
⇨ Orlando
Thomas Kyd
⇨ The Spanish Tragedy
Francis Bacon
⇨ Of Truth
⇨ Of Death
⇨ Of Revenge
⇨ Of Adversity
⇨ Of Parents and Children
⇨ Of Marriage and Single Life
⇨ Of Envy
⇨ Of Love
⇨ Of Great Place
⇨ Novum Organum
⇨ History Of Life and Death
⇨ The New Atlantis
⇨ Of Study
Christopher Marlowe
⇨ Tamburlaine the Great
⇨ The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus
⇨ Edward II
⇨ The Massacre of Paris
⇨ The Jew of Malta
⇨ The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
William Shakespeare
Tragedy Plays
1. Antony and Cleopatra
2. Coriolanus
3. Cymbeline
4. Hamlet
5. Julius Caesar
6. King Lear
7. Macbeth
8. Othello
9. Romeo and Juliet
10. Timon of Athens
11. Titus Andronicus
12. Troilus and Cressida
Comedy Plays:
1. All's Well that ends well
2. As you like it
3. A Midsummer Night's Dream
4. Comedy of errors
5. Love's Labour's Lost
6. Measure for Measure
7. Merry wives of windsor
8. Much Ado About Nothing
9. Pericles, Prince of Tyre
10. The Merchant of Venice
11. The Taming of the Shrew
12. The Tempest
13. The Winter's Tale
14. Twelfth Night
15. Two Gentlemen of Verona
Narrative Poems:
⇨ A Lover's Compliant
⇨ The Rape of Lucrece
⇨ Venus and Adonis
Lost plays:
⇨ Love's Labour's Won
⇨ The History of Cardenio
Unpublished Plays
⇨ Timon of Athens
Other Poems
⇨ The Passionate Pilgrim (Collection of 20 poems)
⇨ The Phoenix and the Turtle
The Jacobian Period (1603-1625)
John Donne
⇨ The Canonoization
⇨ The Good Morrow
⇨ The Sun Rising
⇨ A Valediction
⇨ Loves Growth
⇨ The Ecstasy
⇨ Twicknam Garden
Ben Jonson
⇨ A tale of tub
⇨ Everyman in his humour
⇨ Everyman out of his humour
⇨ Volpone
⇨ The Silent woman
⇨ The alchemist
⇨ The isle of dogs
⇨ The case is Altered
⇨ Bartholomew fair
⇨ The new Inn or The Light Heart
Cyril Tourneur
⇨ The Revenger's Tragedy
⇨ The Atheist's Tragedy
John Webster
⇨ The white Devil
⇨ The Devil's Law case
⇨ The Duchess of Malfi
The Caroline Period (1625-1649)
Robert Herrick
⇨ Hesperides
⇨ To Daffodils
George Herbert
⇨ Easter wings
⇨ The Collar
⇨ The Temple
⇨ Of the Progress of the soul
The Commonwealth Period (1649-1660)
Thomas Hobbes
⇨ Leviathan
John Milton
⇨ Paradise Lost
⇨ Paradise Regained
⇨ Samson Agonists
⇨ Lycidas
⇨ On Shakespeare
⇨ Pamphlet
⇨ Areopagitica
⇨ Sonnets
⇨ How Soon Hath Time
Jeremy Taylor
⇨ Holy Living
⇨ Holy Dying
Andrew Marvell
⇨ To his coy mistress
⇨ The garden
⇨ An Horatian ode upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland
⇨ The Mower's song
⇨ Upon Appleton House
The Restoration period (1660-1700)
Samuel Butler
⇨ Hudibars
John Bunyan
⇨ The Pilgrim's Progress
John Dryden
⇨ All for Love (Play)
⇨ The Indian Emperor (Play)
⇨ Aurge-Zebe (Drama)
⇨ Absalom and Achitophel (Poem)
⇨ Mac Elecknoe (Verse)
⇨ The Essay on Dramatic Poesie (Essay)
The Augustan Period (1700-1745)
Daniel Defoe
⇨ Robinson Crusoe
⇨ The Father Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
⇨ Captain Singleton
⇨ Colonel Jack
⇨ Roxana
Jonathan Swift
⇨ Gulliver's Travels
⇨ A Tale of a Tub
⇨ A Modest Proposal
⇨ A Voyage of Lilliput
⇨ Drapier's Letters
⇨ The Battle of the Book
William Congreve
⇨The Way of the world
⇨ Love for Love (Comedy)
⇨ The old Bachelor
⇨ The Double Dealer
⇨ The mourning Bride
Alexander Pope
⇨ An Essay on Man
⇨ Essay on Criticism
⇨The Duncan
⇨ The Iliad of Homer
⇨ Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot
Samuel Richardson
⇨ Pamela
⇨ The Virtue of Rewarded
⇨ Clarissa
⇨ The History Of Sir Charles Grandison
The Age Of Sensibility (1745-1785/98)
Henry Fielding
⇨ An Apology for the Life of Mrs. Shamela Andrews
⇨ Joseph Andrews
⇨ Tom Jones
⇨ Top Secret
Samuel Johnson
⇨ A Voyage to Abyssinia
⇨ Preface to Shakespeare
⇨ The False alarms
⇨ London: A Poem
⇨ The Vanity of Human Wishes (Poem)
⇨ The Tragedy Of Irene
⇨ The Patriot
Thomas Gray
⇨ Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
⇨ Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat
⇨ The Paths of Glory
⇨ Celestial Fire
⇨ Far from the Madding Crowed
⇨ Kindred spirit
William Blake
⇨ Songs of Innocence
⇨ Songs of Experience
⇨ The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
⇨ The Four Zoas
⇨ Milton a poem
The Romantic Period (1798-1832)
William Wordsworth
⇨ Daffodils
⇨ Goody Blake
⇨ Lucy
⇨ Michael
⇨ Ode to Duty
⇨ The Excursion
⇨ The Idiot boy
⇨ The Preclude
⇨ The Recluse
⇨ The Solitary Reaper
⇨ The Thorn
⇨ Tintern Abbey
⇨ To the Cuckoo
⇨ Written in March
⇨ Poetry book
⇨ Lyrical Ballads ( With S.T Coleridge)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (S.T. Coleridge)
⇨ Biographia Literaria
⇨ Dejection: An Ode
⇨ Fears in Solitude
⇨ Ode to Departing Years
⇨ The Day Dream
⇨ The Destiny of Nations
⇨ The Devils Though
⇨ The Nightingale
⇨ The Religious musings
⇨ The Rime of Ancient Mariner
⇨ The Suicide Arguments
⇨ The Wanderings Of Chain
Poetry Books:
⇨ Lyrical Ballads ( With William Wordsworth)
Jane Austen
⇨ Emma
⇨ Love and Friendship
⇨ Mansfield Park
⇨ Northanger Abbey
⇨ Persuasion
⇨ Pride and Prejudice
⇨ Sanditon
⇨ Sense and Sensibility
⇨ The History of England
Percy Bysshe Shelly
⇨ Ode to the West Wind
⇨ Ode to a Skylark
⇨ Ozymandias
⇨ Queen Mab
⇨ The Cloud
⇨ The Revolt of Islam
⇨ Alastor; or the Spirit of Solitude
Poetry Books:
⇨ Adonais
⇨ Albrator
⇨ Queen Mab
⇨ The Revolt of Islam
⇨ Cenci
⇨ Prometheus Unbound
⇨ The mask of Anarchy
Critic Books:
⇨ The Defense of Poetry
⇨ The Necessity of Atheism
John Keats
⇨ Endymion
⇨ Hyperion
⇨ Isabella
⇨ Lamia
⇨ Ode on a Grecian Urn
⇨ Ode on Melancholy
⇨ Ode to Autumn
⇨ Ode to Nightingale
⇨ Ode to Psyche
⇨ The Eve of St. Agnes
⇨ On First Looking into Chapman's Homer
⇨ Imitation of Spenser
⇨ Poems
The victorian Period (1832-1901)
Lord Alfred Tennyson
⇨ Oenone
⇨ Ulysses
⇨ Lotus Eaters
⇨ Locksley Hall
⇨ Tithonus
⇨ Morte D' Arthur
⇨ English Idyll
⇨ The Lady of Shallot
⇨ The Falcon
⇨ Tears Idle Tears
⇨ Queen Mary
⇨ Poems by two brothers
⇨ Timbuctoo
Edgar Allan Poe
⇨ To Helen
Robert Browning
⇨ Men and Women
⇨ Dramatic Persona
⇨ The Return of the Druses
⇨ Colombo's Birthday
⇨ My last Duchess
⇨ The last Ride Together
⇨ A Grammarian's Funeral
⇨ Andrea Del Sarto
⇨ One Word More
⇨ The Pied Piper of Hamelin
⇨ Rabbi Ben Ezra
⇨ Porphyria's Love
⇨ Fra Lippo Lippi
⇨ Two in the Campagna
⇨ Love Among the Ruins
⇨ The Patriot
Charles Dickens
⇨ Sketches By Boz
⇨ The Pickwick Papers
⇨ Oliver twist
⇨ Nicholas Nickleby
⇨ The Old Curiosity Shop
⇨ Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of 'Eighty'
⇨ A Christmas Carol
⇨ Martin Chuzztewit
⇨ The chimes
⇨ The Cricket on the hearth
⇨ Dombey and Son
⇨ The Haunted Man
⇨ David Copperfield
⇨ Bleak House
⇨ Hard times
⇨ Little Dorrit
⇨ A Tale of Two Cities
⇨ Great expectation
⇨ Our mutual friend
⇨ The signal man
Edwin Drood
⇨ Joan of Arc
Charlotte Bronte
⇨ Jane Eyre
⇨ The Professor
Emily Bronte
⇨ Wuthering Heights
Karl Marx
⇨ Das Capital
George Eliot
⇨ Adam Bede
⇨ The Mill on the Floss
⇨ Silas Marner
⇨ Romola
⇨ Felix Holt, the Radical
⇨ Middlemarch
⇨ Daniel Deronda
⇨ The Spanish Gypsy
Sir Richard Francis Burton
Translated Books:
⇨ The Arabian Nights
⇨ The Kama Sutra
Mathew Arnold
Criticism books:
⇨ The study of Poetry
⇨ The Forsaken Merman
⇨ The Scholar Gipsy
⇨ Dover Beach
⇨ Rugby Chapel thyris
Leo Tolstoy
⇨ War and Peace
⇨ Anna Karenina
⇨ A Confession
Samuel Butler
⇨ Ere whom
⇨ The way of All flesh
Thomas Hardy
⇨ The poor man and the lady
⇨ Desperate Remedies
⇨ Under the greenwood tree
⇨ Far from the madding crowd
⇨ The return of the native
⇨ The mayor of caster bridge
⇨ Tess of the D'urbervilles
⇨ Jude the obscure
⇨ In time of the breaking of nations
Maxim Gorky
⇨ Mother
⇨ My childhood
Walt Whitman
⇨ Franklin Evans
⇨ Leaves of Grass
⇨ Drum-Taps
⇨ Memoranda During the War
⇨ Specimen Days
⇨ Democratic Vistas
⇨ O captain! My captain!
⇨ Crossing Brooklyn Ferry
⇨ When Lilacs last at my Dooryard Bloomed
Emily Dickinson
⇨ I taste Liquor Never Brewed
⇨ Wild nights - Wild nights
⇨ I felt a funeral in my Brain
⇨ Because I could not stop death
Saul Bellow
⇨ The Adventures of Augie March
⇨ Henderson the Rain King
⇨ Herzog, Mr. Sammler's Planet
⇨ Seize the Day
⇨ Humboldt's Gift
⇨ Ravelstein
⇨ Dangling Man
Arthur Asher Miller
⇨ All My Songs
⇨ Death of a Salesman
Nelson Mendela
⇨ A Long Walk to Freedom
⇨ Conversation with myself
Post Modern Period (1939-Present)
Important Writers
⇨ Tony Morrison
⇨ Dan Brown
⇨ J.K Rowling
Tony Morrison
⇨ The Bluest eye
⇨ Song of Solomon
⇨ Mercy
⇨ Sula
⇨ Beloved
Dan Brown
⇨ Angels & Demons
⇨ The Da Vinci Code
⇨ Inferno
⇨ Origin
J.K Rowling
⇨ Harry Potter
The Edwardian Period (1901-1910)
Important Writers
⇨ George Bernard Shaw
⇨ O' Henry
⇨ W.B Yeats
George Bernard Shaw
⇨ Immaturity
⇨ Caesar and Cleopatra
⇨ Man and Superman
⇨ Arms and The Man
⇨ Candida
⇨ The Doctor's Dilemma
⇨ Mrs. Warren's Profession
W.B Yeats
⇨ The Lake Isle of Innisfree
⇨ Leda and Swan
⇨ Sailing to Byzantium
⇨ The Wild Swans at Coole
⇨ The Second Coming
The Georgian Period (1910-1939)
Earnest Hemingway
⇨ The Old Man and the Sea
⇨ A Farewell to Arms
⇨ The Sun also Rises
⇨ For Whom the Bell Tolls
⇨ The Torrents of Spring
⇨ Indian Camp
T.S Eliot
Literary Works:
⇨ The Waste Land (Poem)
⇨ The Hollow Men (Poem)
⇨ Gerontion (Poem)
⇨ Murder in the Cathedral (Play)
⇨ The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (Poem)
⇨ Four Quartets
Salman Rushdie
⇨ Midnight's Children (Novel)
⇨ Shame (Novel)
⇨ Satanic Verses