* One who is interested in ancient buildings and relics ⇨ Archaeologist
* One who fortels things by the stars ⇨ Astrologer
* One who studies heavenly bodies ⇨ Astronomer
* One who sells thing at public auction ⇨ Auctioner
* One who working in the same place ⇨ Colleage
* One who deals in cattle ⇨ Drover
* One who rides the horses in race ⇨ Jockey
* One who sells flowers ⇨ Florist
* One who collects postage stamps ⇨ Philatelist
* One who loves his countey ⇨ Patriot
* A person who does not love his country ⇨ Traitor
* A person who makes supreme sacrifice for his country ⇨ Martyr
* One who dies for a noble cause ⇨ Martyr
* A person leaving his native country to settle in another ⇨ Emigrant, Expatriate
* A person coming to a foreign land to settle there ⇨ Immigrant
* A person residing in a foreign country ⇨ Foreigner/ Alien
* A person who loves mankind ⇨ Philanthropist
* One trying to do good to mankind ⇨ Philanthropist
* A person who hates mankind ⇨ Misanthrope/Misanthropist
* A hater of mankind ⇨ Misanthrope/Misanthropist
* One who works for the welfare of women ⇨ Feminist
* One who breaks image ⇨ Iconoclast
* One who pretends to what he is not ⇨ Imposter
* One who living at the same time with another ⇨ Contemporary
* Two persons living in the same age ⇨ Contemporary
* One who has been before another ⇨ Predecessor
* One who comes to be after another ⇨ Successor
* One who walks in sleep ⇨ Somnambulist
* A person who cannot pay his debts ⇨ Insolvent/ Bankrupt
* A person who looks to the bright side of life ⇨ Optimist
* A person who looks to the dark side of life ⇨ Pessimist
* One who deals in winter ⇨ Vintner
* One who converts raw hide into leather ⇨ Tanner
* One who lends money at a very high interest ⇨ Usurer
* One who takes care of building ⇨ Janitor
* One who goes on foot ⇨ Pedestrian
* One who takes up legal profession ⇨ Advocate
* One who writes books ⇨ Author
* One who studies the evolution of mankind ⇨ Anthropologist
* One who sells meat ⇨ Butcher
* One who lives on alms ⇨ Beggar
* One who makes furniture ⇨ Carpenter
* One who sets types in a printing press ⇨ Compositor
* One who sells sweets and pastries ⇨ Confectioner
* One who reads the palm ⇨ Palmist
* One who sells drugs ⇨ Druggist
* One who deals in fish ⇨ Fishmonger
* One who walks on ropes ⇨ Funambulist
* One who writes for the newspaper ⇨ Journalist
* One who imitates the voice, gestures etc, or another ⇨ Mimic
* One who flies and Aeroplan ⇨ Pilot
* One who makes earthen pots ⇨ Potter
* One who carries burden for hire ⇨ Porter
* One who treats diseases by operation ⇨ Surgeon
* One who makes wheels for carriages and carts ⇨ Wheel wright
* A person in charge of a library ⇨ Librarian
* The head of town council or corporation ⇨ Mayor
* One who shoots with bows and arrows ⇨ Archer
* One who is banished from his own country ⇨ Exiled
* One who spends lavishly ⇨ Extravagant
* One who foretells events ⇨ Prophet
* One who takes refuge in a foreign country ⇨ Refugee
* A person who is in habit of quarrelling ⇨ Bellicose
* A person who is a hard-drinker ⇨ Sot
* A person who worships idols ⇨ Idolater
* One who is skilled in dealing with people in business/politics ⇨ Diplomat
* One who is a diplomat of a government in other country ⇨ Ambassador
* A person who devotes his life to welfare of others ⇨ Altruist
* A person who is reserved in speech ⇨ Reticent
* A woman who sells her body for money ⇨ Prostitute
* A person who brings customers for a prostitute ⇨ Tout
* A person who makes insincere love ⇨ Philanderer.
* One who mends shoes ⇨ Cobbler
* One who loves women ⇨ Philogyny
* A person who eats human flesh ⇨ Cannibal
* One who gets pleasure from hurting others ⇨ Sadist
* A person who insists on something ⇨ Stickler
* One who draws maps ⇨ Cartographer
* One who mends shoes ⇨ Cobbler
* One who mends water pipes ⇨ Plumber
* One who carves on stone ⇨ Sculptor
* One who makes statues using clay ⇨ Sculptor
* One who plans and draws the designs of building ⇨ Architect
Study related Terms
* One who studies rocks and soils ⇨ Geologist
* One who studies the formation of earth ⇨ Geologist
* One who studies meteorology ⇨ Meteorologist
* A person who studies the atmosphere, weather and weather forecasting ⇨ Meteorologist
* A partner in crime ⇨ Accomplice
* A person who helps you break the law ⇨ Accomplice
* A person who has unusual habits ⇨ Eccentric
* A husband who follows the dictates of his wife ⇨ Henpecked
* A person in charge of museum ⇨ Curator
* A student stays away from the school without permission ⇨ Truant
* One who pretends illness to escape duty ⇨ Malingerer
* A person who remains indifferent to pain or pleasure ⇨ Stoic
* A person who believes in the powers of fate ⇨ Fatalist
* One who believes that all things and events in life are predetermined ⇨ Fatalist
* One who believes in the theory of 'eat, drink, & be merry' ⇨ Epicura/Epicurean
* One whose attitude is 'eat, drink and be merry' ⇨ Epicura/Epicurean
* One who travels for selling articles ⇨ Hawker
* A person who writes/complies/edits dictionary ⇨ Lexicographer
* A person who is skilled in several foreign languages ⇨ Linguist
* A person who knows many language ⇨ Polyglot
* One who writes novel ⇨ Novelist
* A person who writes plays ⇨ Playwright
* One who writes shorthand ⇨ Stenographer
* A person who abstains completely from alcoholic drinks ⇨ Teetotaler
* A person who does not eat meat or fish ⇨ Vegetarian
* One who free from national prejudices ⇨ Cosmopolitan
* One who looking upon the whole world as his own ⇨ Cosmopolitan
* One who is at home in all countries ⇨ Cosmopolitan
* A person who has lived in and knows about many different parts of the world ⇨ Cosmopolitan
* A person who speaks for others ⇨ Spokesman
* One who rarely speaks the truth ⇨ Liar
Religious terms
* To use dirty language against God or religion ⇨ Blasphemy
* Believe in only one/single God ⇨ monotheism
* Belief in many Gods ⇨ Polytheism
* Believe in all Gods ⇨ Pantheism
* Belief that God exist in all natural things! ⇨ Pantheism
* One who believe in the existence of God ⇨ Theist
* One who does not believe in God ⇨ Atheist
* One who is not sure of God ⇨ Agnostic
* One who believes in one God ⇨ Monotheist
* One who believes in many Gods and Goddesses ⇨ Polytheist
* One who believes in many/all gods & goddesses ⇨ Pantheist
* One who has narrow religious views ⇨ Bigot
* One who gives up/ abandons one's religion/religious faith ⇨ Apostate
* One who gives up religious faith ⇨ Renegade
* A disbeliever in religion ⇨ Infidel
* Religious intolerance ⇨ Bigotry/Fanaticism
* Narrow religious views ⇨ Bigotry/Fanaticism
* Breaking of religious/social images ⇨ Iconoclasm
* One who undertakes a journey to holy place ⇨ Pilgrim
* The platform in a temple where idols are kept ⇨ Altar
* The platform from where a priest delivers his lecture ⇨ Pulpit
* Worshipping idols/images ⇨ Idolatry
* One who breaks idols/images ⇨ Iconoclast
* The gown worn by priest ⇨ Cassock
* The holy books ⇨ Scripture
* Writings of a particular religion ⇨ Scripture
* The passage between the seats in a church ⇨ Aisle
* A religious discourse ⇨ Sermon (ধর্মোপদেশ)
* A specialist in eye disease ⇨ Oculist/ Ophthalmologist
* One who attends the diseases of the eye ⇨ Oculist/ Ophthalmologist
* A doctor who treats skin diseases ⇨ Dermatologist
* A doctor who treats heart diseases ⇨ Cardiologist
* A doctor who treats the bone diseases ⇨ Orthopedist
* A specialist in mental disorders or maladjustment ⇨ Psychiatrist
* One who tests eyesight and sells spectacles ⇨ Optician
* A doctor who treats nerve diseases ⇨ Neurologist
* A doctor who studies and treats the diseases of children ⇨ Pediatrician
* A doctor who studies and treats the medical condition of women ⇨ Gynaecologist
* One who knows or sees everything ⇨ Omniscient
* One who has unlimited knowledge ⇨ Omniscient
* One who present everywhere ⇨ Omnipresent
* One who is all-powerful ⇨ Omnipotent
* One who eats everything ⇨ Omnivorous
Animals related terms
* Animals living in both land and water ⇨ Amphibians
* Animals living in water ⇨ Aquatic animals
* Animals living on human flesh ⇨ Cannibals
* Person who eats human flesh and animals that eats its own kind ⇨ Cannibal
* Animals living in flocks/groups ⇨ Gregarious animals
* Animals sucking their mother's breast ⇨ Mammals
* Animals living on meat ⇨ Carnivorous animals
* Animals living on grass ⇨ Graminivorous animals
* Animals living only plants/herbs/grass ⇨ Herbivorous animals
* Animals eating all kinds of food ⇨ Omnivorous animals
* Animals living on vegetables ⇨ Vegetarian animals
Literary terms
* An account of life written by self ⇨ Autobiography
* The life account of a person ⇨ Biography
* A book in which the events of each day are recorded ⇨ Diary
* A list or collection of books ⇨ Bibliography
* A list of the topics to be discussed at a meeting ⇨ Agenda
* An incident in a series of incidents ⇨ Episode
* Words inscribed on a tombstone ⇨ Epitaph
* An inscription on a tomb ⇨ Epitaph
* A book of accounts showing debits and credits ⇨ Ledger
* A speech delivered for the first time in an assembly ⇨ A maiden speech
* A speech full of too many speech ⇨ Verbose speech
* A speech made without previous preparation ⇨ Extempore
* A book that consists of an alphabetical list of words ⇨ Dictionary
* A book containing names and addresses of the persons ⇨ Directory
* A list of special or technical words with definitions ⇨ Glossary
* A book containing information of all subjects ⇨ Encyclopedia
Killing/Murder related terms
* Murder of one's own-self ⇨ Suicide
* The act of killing oneself ⇨ Suicide
* Murder of a man ⇨ Homicide
* Murder of an infant/child ⇨ Infanticide
* Murder of a father ⇨ Patricide
* Murder of a mother ⇨ Matricide
* Murder of a brother ⇨ Fratricide
* Murder of a sister ⇨ Sororicide
* Murder of a parent ⇨ Parricide
* Murder of a king or queen ⇨ Regicide
* The crime of killing a king or queen ⇨ Regicide
* Murder of a wife ⇨ Uxoricide
* Murder of a whole nation, particular race or religious group ⇨ Genocide
* Systematic killing of a racial or cultural group ⇨ Genocide
* Elimination of racial group by killing ⇨ Genocide
* Chemical for killing Bacteria ⇨ Bactericide
* Chemical for killing Insect ⇨ Insecticide
* Chemical for killing Herbs ⇨ Herbicide
* Chemical for killing Pests ⇨ Pesticide
Marriage related terms
* The practice of keeping one wife or husband ⇨ Monogamy
* The crime of marrying a person while already legally married to someone else ⇨ Bigamy
* The practice of keeping many wives at the same ⇨ Polygamy
* The practice of keeping many husbands at the same time ⇨ Polyandry
* A girl who is going to be married or has just got married ⇨ Bride
* A man who is going to be married or has just got married ⇨ Bridegroom
* Cash or kind given by the parents of the bribe to the bridegroom and his relatives ⇨ Dowry
* Money paid regularly to a divorced wife under court order ⇨ Alimony
* Lover of a married woman/ Beloved of a married woman ⇨ Paramour
* A man who has never married ⇨ Bachelor
* A woman who has never been married ⇨ Spinster
* A woman who has lost her husband and never remarried ⇨ Widow
* A man whose wife has died and who hasn't married against ⇨ Widower
Place related terms
* A place for keeping dogs ⇨ Kennel
* A house or shelter for a dog ⇨ Kennel
* A place where rabbits are kept ⇨ Hutch
* A place where horses are kept ⇨ Stable
* A place where pigs or swine are kept ⇨ Sty
* A place where birds are kept ⇨ Aviary
* The lying place of the wild beasts ⇨ Den
* A place where fishes are kept ⇨ Aquarium
* The underground dwelling place of an animal ⇨ Burrow
*A place where orphans are housed ⇨ Orphanage
* A place where fruits are grown ⇨ Orchard
* A place for keeping Aeroplan ⇨ Hangar
* A place where currency/money is coined ⇨ Mint
* A part of a theatre where audience sit ⇨ Auditorium
* A squirrel's home ⇨ Dray
* A place where clothes are washed and ironed ⇨ Laundry
* A place for production and treatment of milk ⇨ Dairy
* A place for keeping motor cars ⇨ Garage
* A house of keeping books ⇨ Library
* A place of discharge from the bowels ⇨ Lavatory
* A place where scientific experiment are carried on ⇨ Laboratory
* A place where treasures of art & curiosities are kept ⇨ Museum
* A shelter or shed for cows ⇨ Cow shed
* A place where batting of cricket ball takes place ⇨ Pitch
* A place where films are produced ⇨ Studio
* A place where leather is tanned ⇨ Tannery
* A place visited for enjoyment or health ⇨ Resort
* A factory for manufacturing wine ⇨ Brewery
* An underground place for storing wine or alcoholic drinks ⇨ Cellar
* A school for infants and young children ⇨ Kindergarten
* A house or shelter for confined cow ⇨ Pen
* A place where ships are loaded and unloaded ⇨ Quay
* A place to keep grains ⇨ Granary
* A place that provide refugee ⇨ Asylum
* Beyond the power of nature or scientific explanation ⇨ Supernatural
* A child born after the death of his father ⇨ Posthumous child
* An office for which no salary is paid ⇨ Honorary office
* An office which has a salary but no work ⇨ Sinecure
* Without making any payment ⇨ Gratis
* Free of charge ⇨ Gratis
* A remedy/cure for all diseases ⇨ Panacea
* A universal medicine ⇨ Panacea
* Incapable of being expressed ⇨ Inexpressible
* Incapable of being conceived ⇨ Inconceivable
* Incapable of being read ⇨ Illegible
* Incapable of being understood ⇨ Unintelligible/ Incomprehensible
* Incapable of being heard ⇨ Inaudible
* Incapable of being conquered or overcome or defeated or seized ⇨ Invincible, Unconquerable, Impregnable
* Incapable of being pierced/penetrated ⇨ Impenetrable
* Incapable of being passed over/Surmounted ⇨ Insurmountable/ Insuperable
* Incapable of being seen ⇨ Invisible
* Incapable of being exhausted ⇨ Inexhaustible
* Incapable of being defended ⇨ Indefensible
* Incapable of being reached or approached ⇨ Inaccessible, Unapproachable
* Incapable of being admitted ⇨ Inadmissible
* Incapable of being applied ⇨ Inapplicable
* Incapable of being believed ⇨ Incredible, Unbelievable
* Incapable of being tired ⇨ Indefatigable
* Incapable of being altered ⇨ Unalterable
* Incapable of being repaired ⇨ Irreparable
* Incapable of being recovered ⇨Irrecoverable
* Incapable of being resisted ⇨ Irresistible
* Incapable of being reconciled ⇨ Irreconcilable
* Incapable of being reproached or censured ⇨ Irreproachable
* Incapable of being divided ⇨ Indivisible
* Incapable of being done ⇨ Impossible
* Incapable of being disputed ⇨ Indisputable
* Incapable of being controlled ⇨ Incontrollable
* Incapable of being justified ⇨ Unjustifiable
* Incapable of being perceived ⇨ Imperceptible
* Incapable of being borne ⇨ Unbearable
* Incapable of being endured ⇨ Unendurable
* Incapable of being tolerated ⇨ Intolerable
* Incapable of being elected or chosen ⇨ Ineligible
* Incapable of being corrected ⇨ Incorrigible
* Incapable of being imitated ⇨ Inimitable
* Incapable of being solved ⇨ Insoluble
* Incapable of being performed ⇨ Impracticable
* Incapable of being managed ⇨ Unmanageable
* Incapable of being avoided ⇨ Unavoidable, Inevitable
* Incapable of being explained ⇨ Inexplicable
* Incapable of committing errors ⇨ Infallible
* Incapable of being elected ⇨ Rejected
* Incapable of being removed or eradicated ⇨ Indelible, Ineradicable
* Incapable of being questioned ⇨ Unquestionable
* Incapable of being seen through ⇨ Opaque
* Decision that cannot be taken back ⇨ Irrevocable
* Capable of being seen through ⇨ Transparent
* Capable of being easily kindled ⇨ Inflammable
* Capable of being easily broken ⇨ Brittle, Fragile
* Capable of being easily bent ⇨ Flexible, Malleable
* Study of language ⇨ Philology
* Study of the earth's atmosphere and its changes/weather ⇨ Meteorology
* Study of mankind ⇨ Anthropology
* Study of religion ⇨ Theology
* Study of life in outer space ⇨ Exobiology
* The study and treatment of cancer ⇨ Oncology
* Study of ancient societies ⇨ Archaeology
* The study of plants or living organisms or peoples in relation to environment ⇨ Ecology, Ecosystem
* Study of relation between organism and environment ⇨ Ecology
* The scientific study of diseases ⇨ Pathology
* The scientific study of blood and its disease ⇨ Haematology
* Study of rocks ⇨ Petrology
* Study of the evolution of universe ⇨ Cosmology
* The study of birds ⇨ Ornithology
* Study of insects ⇨ Entomology
* Scientific study of language ⇨ Linguistics
* The study of the sounds made by the human voice in speech ⇨ Phonetics
* The study of the speech sounds ⇨ Phonology
* The study of forms of words ⇨ Morphology
* The study of meanings of words and phrases in a language ⇨ Semantics
* The rules of formation of sentences ⇨ Syntax
* The study of various beliefs about gods and goddesses ⇨ Mythology
* Science of the structure of animal bodies ⇨ Anatomy
* Science of heredity ⇨ Genetics
* Science of the injuries and disease of the bone ⇨ Orthopaedics
* The treatment of female diseases ⇨ Gynaecology
* Branch of the medical science which studies the nervous system ⇨ Neurology
* The branch of medical science dealing with children diseases ⇨ Paediatric
* The Science of the origin and history of words ⇨ Etymology
* The science of judging a person's character, capabilities etc. from an examination of the shape of his scull ⇨ Phrenology
* The science dealing with the behavior of bodies in motion ⇨ Statics
* A system of government in which a king has unlimited power ⇨ Despotism
* A social system dominated by male ⇨ Androcracy
* The study of independent self-government ⇨ Autonomy
* A government of the people, by the people and for the people ⇨ Democracy
* A government by a king ⇨ Monarchy
* A government by one man who is all powerful ⇨ Dictatorship
* A government by one man who has complete or unlimited power ⇨ Autocracy
* A government by a few or a small group of people ⇨ Oligarchy
* A government by officials ⇨ Bureaucracy
* A government by the rich ⇨ Plutocracy
* A government by the nobles ⇨ Aristocracy
* A government in which all rule equally ⇨ Pantisocracy
* A government by the divine guidance ⇨ Theocracy
* A state where all religions are respected ⇨ Secular
* The art practiced by the statesmen ⇨ Diplomacy
* A social system in which people have power because of their abilities, not because of their money or social position ⇨ Meritocracy
* An armed rising against a government ⇨ Rebellion
* General uprising against the government ⇨ Revolt
* The supreme power of a state ⇨ Sovereignty
* Revolt against a lawful authority ⇨ Munity
* A sudden, violent and illegal seizure/taking of power from government especially by an army ⇨ Coup
* A general pardon granted by the government to political offender ⇨ Amnesty
* A woman who cannot conceive ⇨ Barren
* A place where soldiers are housed ⇨ Cantonment
* Not bearing the name of a writer ⇨ Anonymous
* Destitute of knowledge ⇨ Ignorant
* Characterized by dull uniformity ⇨ Monotonous
* A person who neither read or write ⇨ illiterate
* A person who talks much ⇨ Garrulous, Talkative
* A child not born of legal parents ⇨ Bastard, Illegitimate
* Love or attraction for the opposite sex ⇨ Heterosexual
* Love or attraction for the same sex ⇨ Homosexual
* The dead body of a human being ⇨ Corpse
* The dead body of an animal ⇨ Carcass
* A place where dead bodies are kept temporarily ⇨ Mortuary
* To dig up a corpse ⇨ Exhume
* A vehicle for carrying dead bodies to the ceremony ⇨ Hearse
* Underground caves with burying places for the dead ⇨ Catacombs
* Excessive patriotism ⇨ Chauvinism
* A long speech by an actor in play or movie ⇨ Monologue
* Something that becomes outdated ⇨ Obsolete
* A paper written by hand ⇨ Manuscript
* Person's own handwriting ⇨ Autograph
* A note to help memory ⇨ Memorandum
* Words used in common language but not in literature ⇨ Slang
* Lack of knowledge or information ⇨ Ignorance
* A book with blank page for keeping photograph or stamps ⇨ Album
* A medical graduate serving his apprenticeship in a hospital ⇨ Interne
* A stage of motherhood ⇨ Maternity
* A stage of short-sightedness ⇨ Myopia
* A stage of long-sightedness ⇨ Hypermetropia
* A medicine which produces insensibility ⇨ Anaesthetic
* A substances which kills germs ⇨ Antiseptic
* Medical examination of a dead body ⇨ Post-mortem, Autopsy
* Medical termination of pregnancy ⇨ Abortion
* To cut off a part of a person's body which is infected ⇨ Amputation
* One who performs with puppets ⇨ Puppeteer
* Someone who is susceptible to injuries and diseases ⇨ Vulnerable person
* A record of the order in which a series of events happened ⇨ Chronology
* The quality of courage in adverse circumstances ⇨ Fortitude
* Undue favor shown by a person in power ⇨ Nepotism
* A piece of music played or sung by one person ⇨ Solo
* The word which means two people singing together ⇨ Duet
* The group of people who represent their country in a foreign country ⇨ Embassy
* The state of a disease likely to cause death ⇨ Malignancy
* A powerful explosive to demolish buildings ⇨ Blockbuster
* A person who has full powers to take action and decision ⇨ Plenipotentiary
* An appointed meeting place for troops ⇨ Rendezvous
* People who are always on the move ⇨ Gypsies
* A country where people's freedom is highly restricted by government ⇨ Police state
* The ability to make a financial success of everything ⇨ Midas Touch
* An impartial person who watches for administrative abuses inside organizations ⇨ Ombudsman
* An agreement between two countries ⇨ Protocol
* An enclosed area of an aircraft where the pilot sits and steers the plane ⇨ Cock pit
* The quality of wanting to know about people and things ⇨ Curiosity
* The act of effective or persuasive delivery of speech ⇨ Rhetoric
* The skill of using language persuasively ⇨ Rhetoric
* A person who believes easily ⇨ Credulous
* A dictionary of words arranged in group that have similar meaning ⇨ Thesaurus
* Something that make you feel ill ⇨ Ailment
* A person suffering from nervous breakdown ⇨ Neurotic
* An association of sports team ⇨ League
* A person who is much interested in food ⇨ Food obsessed person
* Powerful mother figure in a ruling position ⇨ Matrimony
* Lack of equality ⇨ Disparity
* One who possess many talents ⇨ Versatile
* One who cheat others ⇨ Cheater
* A child who hit smaller or weaker children ⇨ Bully
* Dividing a sentence into parts and describing the grammar of each word or part ⇨ Parse
* Violation of correct grammatical structure ⇨ Solecism
* Having enough money to be able to buy ⇨ Afford
* The profession of teaching ⇨ Pedagogy
* Cessation of arms before a formal treaty signed during war ⇨ Truce
* A mental illness in which somebody has a strong desire, which they cannot control to steal things ⇨ Kleptomania
* Someone who sees a crime being committed ⇨ Witness
* A place where earth and sky seem to meet ⇨ Horizon
* One who commits antisocial acts without guilt or pangs of conscience ⇨ Psychopath
* One who is pathologically self interested ⇨ Egomaniac
* One who is more interested in the welfare of others than in one's own ⇨ Altruistic
* A person who rules without consulting other ⇨ Autocrat
* The ability to tell interesting stories makes one ⇨ Raconteur
* Something bought cheaply or for less than the usual price ⇨ Bargain
* Courteous and attentive to women ⇨ Chivalrous
* A person who studies the scientific development of language ⇨ Philologist
* To state or believe that somebody is responsible for something bad ⇨ Blame
* The ability to use language appropriately in different circumstances ⇨ Communicative competence
* An area or individual that is not well-known ⇨ Obscure
* Fear of being enclosed in a small closed space ⇨ Claustrophobia
* A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics etc. ⇨ Boutique
* An unexpected piece of good fortune ⇨ Windfall
* One looking only to the dark side of things ⇨ Pessimist
* Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence ⇨ Protocol
* Giving undue favor to one's own kith and kin ⇨ Nepotism
* Disease that spreads by means of germ carried in the atmosphere ⇨ Infectious
* Easy to shape in desired form ⇨ Malleable
* The feeling of having seen or experienced before ⇨ Deja vu
* A man who is averse to change and progress ⇨ Conservative
* A statement based on supposition ⇨ Hypothetical