Conditional Sentence
Conditional Sentence: মূলত If/Unless যুক্ত Sentence কে Conditional Sentence বলা হয়।
Kinds of Conditional Sentence: Conditionals মূলত চার প্রকার। যথাঃ
1. Zero Conditional
2. First Conditional
3. Second Conditional
4. Third Conditional
Zero Conditional: If যুক্ত complex sentence এর দুটো clause ই present indeginite অথবা দুটোই past indefinite tense হলে তাকে Zero conditional বলে। এক্ষেত্রে দুটো clause এর বিষয়ই সত্য হয়প থাকে।
⇨ If + Present Indeginite, Present Indefinite
⇨ Present Indefinite + If + Present Indeginite
⇨ If + Past Indefinte, Past Indefinite
⇨ If you hit ice, it melts.
⇨ If he has time, he visits us next Friday.
⇨ If you stay too long in the sun, your skin burns.
⇨ If it is winter, it feels cool.
⇨ If it is summer, it feels hot.
First Conditional: If clause টি present Indefinite এবং Main clause টি future indefinite tense হলে তাকে First conditional বলা হয়।
⇨ If + Present Indefinite, Future Indeginite
⇨ Future Indefinite + if + Present Indefinite
⇨ If services are increases, taxes will probably go up.
⇨ If Alex asks me, I will email the documents.
⇨ Unless he comes, we won't have much to talk about.
⇨ If a ruby is heated, it will temporarily lose its colour.
⇨ If the parliamentary bodyapproves, the bill will be placed in the parliament.
Second Conditional: If clause টি past indefinite এবং main clause টি subject + would/could/might + verb (base form) + extension হবে।
⇨ If + Subject + Past form +......, sub+ would/could/might + verb (base form) +....
⇨ Subject + Would/could/might + Verb (base form) +.... If + subject + past form +.....
⇨ If + Subject + were +......, sub+ would/could/might + verb (base form) +....
⇨ Subject + Would/could/might + Verb (base form) +.... If + subject + were +.....
N.B: If clause এ সর্বদাই were হবে এবং If না থাকলে condition part টি were দ্বারা শুরু হবে।
N.B: Sentence passive হলে would be?could be/ might be + V3 হবে।
⇨ If I were a millionaire, I would help every worth cause.
⇨ The boy would not be firgiven, unless he apologizd sincerely.
⇨ If your sister were invite, she would come.
Third Conditional: If clause টি past perfect এবং main clause টি subject + would/could/might + have +V3 + extension হবে।
⇨ If + Subject + had + V3, Subject + would/could/might +have + V3 +......
⇨ Subject / would/could/might + have + V3 +...... + if + Subject + Have + V3 +....
⇨ Had + Subject + had + V3, Subject + would/could/might +have + V3 +......
⇨ Subject / would/could/might + have + V3 +......
N.B: বাক্যে If না থাকলে condition part টি Had দ্বারা আরম্ভ হবে।
⇨ This could have worked if I had been more far-sighted.
⇨ If she had painted that picture, she would have signed in the corner.