Sequence of Tenses
Rule-1: Principal Clause এর Verb টি Past tenseএ থাকলে Sub-ordinate clause এর verb টিও Past tense হবে।
সাধারণত That, What, Which, When, Where, How, Though, Although, Since, As If, Unless ইত্যাদি এর পরে Sub-ordinate Clause বসে।
⇨ He promised that he would come next Monday.
⇨ We hoped that she would able to return in time.
⇨ Father told me that he would hepl me.
⇨ He though that it would rain.
⇨ He said that he would be unable to come.
⇨ We prayed that she would be able to return in time.
⇨ He said that he would be faithful to his promise.
⇨ I never though that I would see you again.
⇨ Did you buy any fruit when you went shopping?
⇨ I thought that the grass needed cutting.
⇨ We kew he would be angry if we did not finisg the work.
⇨ We thought that she would ger the job.
⇨ As the sun was shining, I decidex to go out.
⇨ As we walked, he explained the meaning of the book.
⇨ I asked her if she could read before she started to school.
⇨ I knew that they were horriblh expensive.
⇨ It seemed that the day would never end.
⇨ I thought he loved me.
⇨ I did not know that he would come here.
Rule-2: Sub-ordinate clause এ চিরন্তন সত্য বা অভ্যাসগত কর্ম থাকলে Principal clause এর verb টি past tense এ থাকা সত্ত্বেও Sub-ordinate clause এর verb এর Present Indefinite Tense হবে।
⇨ The teacher said that man is mortal.
⇨ Soya said that she walks a mile yesterday.
⇨ He did not know that the earth moves round the sun.
⇨ Galileo taught that the earth revolves around the sun.
⇨ He said that the earth goes round the sun.